
Saieditor is writing and reflection on spirituality, human values in literature and in human aspiring, and the path to the divine, the goal of life. Saieditor lives in Shepparton, Australia … In this post we share the offerings of this website and the works of Saieditor.

Spiritual Stars of the Golden Age

Spiritual Stars of the Golden Age is a project completed during 2001, and is progressively listed here. Visit Spiritual Stars of the Golden Age (now known as Saints for a New Era). Check back, as more saints and heroes of humanity are added.


Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is the science of light; how much light is in the human body? That is up to the planets and their location and tasks at the time of your birth. We look to much larger issues with Vedic Astrology, but also, to Ascension. That is, the raising of the human to the 5th dimension. OK, what does astrology have to say to this? Enough! Read Fourth Dimensional Astrology.


United Nations Observances

The United Nations and its agencies observe a number of days each year relating to aspects of the human person, suffering, human rights, Children, the Habitat, Climate Changes and other aspects of human culture and governance. It is meet and fitting to reflect on these occasions in the light of human values, the foundation of true humanness. From time to time, we shall also include interfaith reflections. Read about United Nations Observances


Spiritual Ascension

In these days of Ascension – the rise of all on Earth to the higher dimensions, it is meet and fitting that we not only ascend – personally – but that we also make way for our home, our brothers and sisters, and our environment to ascend as well. It is a moral imperative that we stoop – in humility – bend, and render aid to our brothers and sisters in this time of Ascension. To this end the United Nations has set out 17 global development goals. We will observe certain SDG’s. We also give aid in the global goals to the Earth our Mother. After all, where would be be – in all the universes – where would be be without the Earth our mother? Spiritual Ascension attends to the soul and matters raised by many lightworkers. Read more at Spiritual Ascension.



Samhita is the art of writing well. Most people think samhita refers to Ayurvedic remedies. Samhita simply means communication, of the vedic kind. Anyway, I have summarised a vedic overview of writing well. Writing has to appeal to all, at all levels, if it is to have meaning and purpose. Enough! Read Samhita, the art of writing well.


Conversations with the Master

Conversations with the Master are excerpts from the Conversations with the Master series by a Polish ascetic. We choose to post these excepts for we find the unique inner signature of the Divine in these conversations.

As you read on, you will discover that the author has a very humble relationship with the Divine, whom he calls “Master”. The author is also very, very human, and has his ups and downs in life. Sometimes he is reluctant, sometimes other pressures upon him cause him to put his pen down, and at other times, what comes out of the pen excites his enthusiasm and takes him to new vistas of experience of the Divine. Read excerpts here


The Falco Novels

The Falco Novels are the work of UK author Lindsey Davis. They are well written historical mystery fiction set in the days of the Flavian era of ancient Rome, AD69 – AD79. This site hosts reviews of the Falco novels and considerations of human values. Visit the Falco Novels


Book Reviews

A new section, featuring some book reviews. This section had its humble beginnings with a book on Aboriginal life and spirituality – under the quandong tree. You can visit our Book Reviews


Marungi Street, Shepparton

Marungi Street is a pictorial record of our street. Pity, the local council had just cut down all the trees the day the photos were taken! View the Marungi Street Album.


Shepparton Cenotaph

A pictorial record of the Shepparton Cenotaph



Anzac Day 2010

A pictorial record of Anzac Day 2010 at the Shepparton Cenotaph


Renovations to Shepparton Cenotaph

A pictorial record of recent renovations at the Shepparton Cenotaph


Visiting Puttaparthi

Over the many years, we have been of the habit of documenting our darshans of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, and post-samadhi, documenting our visits to Puttaparthi and the Prashanti Nilayam ashram. You can read – the most recent visit – and our collected “Letters from Home” here.

