The ‘almost-eclipse’ and Earth Honouring

Looking to the trio of eclipses during August-September of 2016, we note several important issues having some impact during this period. Saturn will station and turn direct on the day of the August eclipse. The Sun will also change signs and move into Leo on the day before the August eclipse and will be at strength. Jupiter has moved into Virgo and Mercury gets ready to change signs. The stage is set for the “non-visible” eclipse of August 18.

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Eclipse at the Heart: Uluru

The Solar Eclipse of 9 March 2016 was visible from Uluru, which we have been told, is now the heart chakra of our Planet. Uluru has been raised to the 5th Dimension and and contains the heart vibration of Mother Earth and is a spiritual resource for all who live upon Earth. It is an energetic resource to be treasured in the heart of every human for it will raise and elevate the vibrations in the body and lift the human heart to the 5th Dimension. In this article we examine the portents of this eclipses from the viewpoint of vedic astrology – an ancient science which is regaining lost ground.

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The Supermoon of September 27 – 28, 2015

The super full moon lunar eclipse occurred in the constellation of Pisces. Much has been said about this SuperMoon in parenthesis with the Tetrad, Wave X, the recent Equinox and the solar eclipse of September. Many speak of how the SuperMoon will herald destructive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, severe storms and extreme tidal surges. While there is a potential for this to happen every time there’s a SuperMoon, typically within plus or minus three days of the exact alignment, some apocalyptic debunking is needed.

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