Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds

‘Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds’ – the Bhagavad Gita explained

Page from a 19th-century illustrated Sanskrit manuscript of the Bhagavad Gita.
British Library, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Debjani Ganguly, Australian Catholic University

In our Guide to the Classics series, experts explain key works of literature.

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Prajapathi Peyarchi: The Transit of Uranus

On April 7, 2017, Uranus will enter the constellation of Aries. During 2016, Uranus was in Aries until December 29 when it retrograded into Pisces for four months. It is now in Aries until June 2015. In Vedic Astrology, planets have planetary deities, and the deity for Uranus is Prajapathi, the world creator. So we may speak of the transit (peyarchi) of Uranus (Prajapathi) to the sign of Aries.

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The Gnostics – The First Christian Heretics

Many people today might call themselves light workers. They are people who have experience and knowledge, gnosis. What knowledge – gnosis – do they have? Is it of the astral worlds, the higher dimensions, the meaning of life? We are not talking about ’42’ here, we are talking about material that eventually got a lot of people burned at the stake, or ejected from communities of their faith. So this little book of The Gnostics comes along. Is it relevant? That is a question for you to answer, and we will give some excerpts and some thoughts that may resonate.

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