International Day of Light

International Day of LightThe International Day of Light is be held on May 16th every year, the anniversary of the first successful operation of the laser in 1960 by physicist and engineer, Theodore Maiman. The laser is a perfect example of how a scientific discovery can yield revolutionary benefits to society in communications, healthcare and many other fields. The International Day of Light is not just about lasers and science. It also includes aspects of art, culture, entertainment – everywhere light is present in fact!

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Meditation in time of Coronavirus: Getting Close to Love

sphere of light

The time of coronavirus elicits reaction: due mystery spread – unaccountable contact with the virus – there can be trepidation, concern, worry, fear. How does one go about their daily business? How do you get food and water? How do you care for your children, your family, your parents, your dependent friends and neighbours? You know someone who is aged and gets home help? What is happening for them? Are they getting meals, the proper care? These and other questions flood our minds in this time of coronavirus.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We admit – as a human race – that we all have souls. The International Distress Signal is “Save our Souls“. What is it we can do to save our souls, save our minds from fear and worry in these dreadful times of plague all over the world, sickness, and death. What can we do for those health-carers, medical front-line staff who are selflessly rendering care to those who are infected?

The answer is we can take time; we can take time to not haste, waste and worry. We can take time to remember we are spiritual beings and get in touch with our own spirit, that spiritual part of us that floods our world with transcendent love. Here we bring you a meditation – for you to take time, and nurture your soul, your spirit, your well-being. In so doing, you give light and love to all on Earth.

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February 2020 Full Moon

Full Moon at time of novel CoronavirusThe Full Moon for February will occur on 9 February 2020 in the Moon’s own sign of Cancer. At first impression this seems to be a comfortable, soothing scenario. Glances from other planets indicate otherwise, and tell us of the suffering experienced by individuals worldwide due disaster, viruses and pandemics.

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