2017 September Equinox

There are two equinoxes every year – in September and March – when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal. Seasons are opposite on either side of the Equator, so the equinox in September is also known as the autumnal (fall) equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and is considered the first day of fall. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is known as the vernal (spring) equinox and marks the first day of spring.

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Sunrise at Uluru: Alcheringa and Astrology of 2017

In Vedic Astrology, the day begins when the Sun rises. (A day is counted from sunrise-to-sunrise.) Looking to this sunrise of 1st of January 2017, we go to the heart, the Heart of our Planet – Uluru, the mysterious monolith, which, we have been informed by the Angelic Realms, is now the Heart Chakra of our planet. So from this region sacred unto all humanity – as well as the indigenous peoples – we look to see what the planets and nakshatras offer for us 2017.

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A Christmas Full Moon

The final full moon of 2015 will rise on Christmas Day this year - the first time it has occurred at the same time as the holiday since 1977. NASA forecasts the two events will not coincide again until 2034. NASA said the full moon would also be the smallest since 2004. The astronomical event is called apogee and occurs when the moon is at the farthest reach of its orbit from the Earth, nearly 407,000 kilometres away.

We have shared - via guidance given from the Cosmic Hierarchy - that the Full Moon occasions are best days for meditations for world peace, and for sending positive energy out to those in need. We look to this occasion of Full Moon to consider the astrological indications of this full Moon at Christmas.

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Meditation on Light

Light for Meditation

Many years ago, perhaps in the early days of awakening in the New Age movement, the times of the 11-11 portal openings, many seers and visionaries were reporting that a time of three days of darkness was to come; there would be no light, no electricity, and humanity would be living in darkness. As most of humanity would be in ignorance of this, this was expected to be a time of terror and extreme reactions by persons unable to cope with such a catastrophe, as some would call this. It is now understood that in the last three months, this "wall of darkness" has occluded the light, and darkened the inner light to some extent in the social, intellectual, physical and spiritual domains of the person.

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