The Future of Mankind, the Future of the Earth

My Dear

Well, you have sent another of your epistolary doom and gloom advance notices of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Would that it were that you would write of the sweetness of the Lord. We’ll look to most of your epistle and leave the sunbeams out of it for the time being. We begin with your discursus on the Polar Flip: What is the current location of the magnetic North Pole?

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Astrologers with Bad News and the Avatar of the Age

Once again, you write seeking answers, never seeking within for the answers. You are perturbed by the bad news bearers – those prophets of gloom and doom, disaster and destruction, punishment and apocalypse. We’ll take a look at what the bad news bearers tell and whether or not we should all abandon hope, run and hide in holes under the ground, just like the nuclear shelters in the backyards of the 1950’s! Do we really need to do this? Or do we take a hint from the meanderings of a certain President and every now and then, point – and with a look of exultation and mad glee on your face, yell Fake News!!!? Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has a lot to say about this day and age.

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Astrology: A Tryptych of Eclipses

My Dear,
you ask what is the meaning of this solar eclipse – and more importantly – you tell this happens on your birthday. While the eclipse is not visible in the USA (nor India) (nor Australia) the energy is present and will have some impact on all our lives. In your instance, due this occurring on your birthday, there is an occlusion of light within (it will brief) and the revelation and giving of new light in your life. As Jesus said, “Do not hide your light under a bushel; let your light shine on the hill so it will shine before men”. And this is what this eclipse will be giving to you. Planets do the tasks allocated to them by the kalapurusha, the Lord of Time and Space. 

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The Governments of India, China and Aliens

We received an email from a regular correspondent – who sought the input of several journeymen: one who is a rather pragmatic marketer, another who is a rider on the winds of change and another, who is a bit of a recluse from the raucous clamour of the rowdies and yobbos. The email brought with it an attachment that began with the claim that the Governments of India and China were about to do the bidding of the Aliens and create a world spiritual civilisation, with force, if needed, it was implied. As best we can, we break down the elements of this email as we are able to. What is not attended to is sthana, matter that is otherwise contained, halted, stopped.

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FYI – Baba Vangelia, the Blind Prophet

We received an email from an acquaintance who simply sent an “FYI” and a link about Baba Vangelia, the prophetess of Bulgaria, who passed in 1996. There has been a surge of internet articles about the predictions, much of it ominous, and plain sensation seeking. In this article, we take a look at Prophecy, Seers, Clairvoyants and the history of Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova, known popularly around the world as Baba Vanga. We look to spurious predictions, unsubstantiated predictions and some actual material sourced to Baba Vanga. We then look at how people might use discernment on materials found in the media, be it the newspaper, radio, the evening TV news or the Internet media. The media presents information; it is up to the user to evaluate that information in its context.

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