A full moon occurs in Sidereal Leo on Friday, 2nd March. This Phalguna full moon day which falls in the middle of spring season in India is known as Vasanta Purnima. Vasanta Purnima is very significant day as it coincides with the festival of colors i.e. Holi. As nature displays various colors during spring, Holi which is also the festival of colours synergizes with nature at the same time.
Phalguna Purnima
Phalguna masam is the 12th month as per traditional Hindu Lunar calendar which generally occurs during the English calendar months of February-March. The season is known as Sisira-Ruthu when we find a still cool but pleasant climate, change in the colour of the leaves as they start withering. When the season ends we find new leaves start springing up that marks the beginning of spring season and the temperature slowly gets warmer. During this month Sun transit takes place from Kumbha (Aquarius) to Meena (Pisces).
Lord Vishnu in the name of Sri Govinda is the presiding Deity (Masa Niyamaka) governing the month of Phalguna. Govinda is a very popular name of Lord Sri Vishnu which we find commonly being chanted by one and all. In many prayers we find Govindaya Namaha as the fourth one which we recite while performing spiritual activity and also we recite Sri Govinda, Govinda while performing chants and stotrams.
Govinda means the One who is the Lord of Cows, protector of Cows, the one who has lifted the hill called Govardhanagiri with his little finger to save and protect the Cows and Cowherds, also the one who is the protector of Earth. Go also means Vedas. One who is the protector of Vedas and who is eulogized by Vedas.
Go means Cow and Vinda means one who helps to survive or surmount. Go+Vinda = Govinda means the One who helps us to survive and surmount the earthly existence and reach Supreme realization of the Self. Lord Sri Krishna is popularly known and called as Govinda and who is also called as Gopala the protector of cows. We also find Lord Sri Venkateshwara popularly being referred to as Govinda and devotees chanting Govinda-Govinda when they visit Tirumala Kshetra.
Phalguna month hails the identity of the Lord as personal protector and guide.
The world has been in something of a travail this last month with Saturn in Mula – a draining section of Sagittarius (10-13.20) degrees casting aspect to Aquarius where the Ascendant, Sun, Mercury and Venus are currently in transit. Venus will move into exaltation in Pisces on the day after Holi bringing much calm and relief to many people, particularly after those final argumentative days in Aquarius. Mercury will move into Pisces (and debilitation) on the same day, and the Sun will follow on March 14.
Mercury will enter Pisces on 2nd March, and remain there until May. This will signal some communications issues for some time; however, while Venus is exalted, the debilitation will be cancelled. March 22nd, Mercury will turn retrograde and thus, the communications energy will take a different twist (stronger) until Mercury goes direct in April. Critical thinking will be needed, and certainly, patience. Patience to measure one’s thoughts, words and actions so that communications do not send out the wrong signals during this time.
The Festival of Holi
Holi is the last full moon of the Vedic lunar year. Next month, the Lunar New Year will commence on March 18th (which is called Ugadi … sometimes spelled Yugadi).
In most regions Holi festival is celebrated for two days. The first day is known as Jalanewali Holi – the day when Holi bonfire is done. This day is also known as Chhoti Holi and Holika Dahan. Holika Dahan is referred to Kama Dahanam in South India. The second day is known as Rangwali Holi – the day when people play with colored powder and colored water. Rangwali Holi which is main Holi day is also known as Dhulandi or Dhulendi (धुलण्डी). The other less popular pronunciations of Dhulandi are Dhuleti, Dhulheti.
On first day bonfires are lit after sunset at Right Holika Dahan Muhurta (a specific timing).
It is noted that Holi is contained in the word ‘holiness’. This is the quality of being holy, sanctity, and the attitude (thoughts, beliefs, feelings) of sanctitude. Holiness is a state of being, fruit of devotion, fruit of inner discipline, fruit of self respect, self discipline, self control and self awareness. Holiness goes and in hand with modesty. Modesty is becoming in true humanness, in particular, womanhood.
The modest woman will ever keep within limits, through her innate sense of propriety. She becomes automatically aware which behaviour is proper and which is improper. She will stick only to virtuous deeds and behaviour. Modesty is the test of a woman’s grandeur. If a woman has no modesty she is injuring the interests of womanhood itself, besides undermining her own personality. She is like a fragranceless flower, which the world does not cherish or honour, or even approve. The absence of modesty makes life, for a woman, however rich in other accomplishments, a waste and a vacuum. Modesty lifts her to the heights of sublime holiness. The modest woman wields authority in the home and outside, in the community as well as in the world
Full Moon
Full Moons are times when strong and plentiful energy floods the Earth. This energy, directed by the Full Moon – may be taken and used for benefit. Hence, the Hierarchy offer us the choice to harness energies for planetary benefit by doing group meditation and directing energy in the form of love, light or healing, wherever there is a need. As there are a plenitude of places where humanity is suffering on Earth in this day (one thinks of Ebola in Africa, mudslides in India and China, flash flooding in the US juxtaposed with drought conditions in other places in the US, and the problems of Malaysian Airlines and the Middle East, and the healing needed in the aftermath of Fukushima) … all these places and more benefit from Full Moon Meditation, healing and love.
The Hierarchy have advised us that the times of the Full Moon are times when energy is magnified, and multiplied. Groups sitting together in meditation on peace, harmony, goodwill towards all have a manifold affect on the energies surrounding our planet when they do this on the Full Moon day. If it is not possible to do so on the actual day, then, we have been told, the day before or the day after will also serve as days of excellence in sending out positive harmony, peace and helpful energies to all places on our Earth.
Meditating on light can raise the level of light within the individual. Meditating on light for our home, Planet Earth, can raise the level of light in places where this is needed. For LIGHT can be, as you know when you turn on a light in a room it has different voltages in different countries – in some countries it is brighter – sometimes it is darker. In a way, the Light in each individual on this Earth is the same. Sometimes it is brighter and sometimes it is darker. Such meditation is always of help to others.
A meditation on light is available on this website, here (opens in new window)
Focus on Planetary Healing
We have been advised by the Hierarchy that part of the Planetary Healing meditations at the time of Full Moon are to include healing of the waters – external waters on our planet, and internal waters within the human. The Earth’s water, in particular, needs healing.

“Radiation from Fukushima flowing into the Pacific Basin;
Jalarm tells that ALL WATER on this planet needs cleansing … “
Jalarm: It is losing its energy field of Light and Love, and this needs to be raised so a focus on WATER – ALL WATER upon the Earth, this planet, is important.
… … though it is not meant to be a separation, is also the water that exists in every form of life that has fluid in its body – this needs to be cleared as well. Does that make sense?
Another helpful form of group activity on Full Moon days is calling on the Angels, the Spirit Guides, the Star Beings of the Hierarchy, and the different Divinities – for all are but different forms of the one substance we may call GOD – and calling upon them for help. All prayers are answered; all prayers for the Good of All are responded to. It is well known that Divinity in its different names and forms takes the energies of devotion to God, the prayers, the offerings of Love, Harmony, Peace, Light and distribute this to places where it is needed around the Earth. Such meditations and prayers can also be offered on Full Moon days. Many prayers hail the Lord – or God – as a God of Mercy and Compassion. Compassion makes no difference between those who suffer and those who cause that suffering. Compassion is for all and such mercy offered in our prayers and meditation goes out for the Good of the All.