Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh. Morning Darshan. Five days after 9/11.
We are all victims of terrorism. Additional protection is around Swami due threats. He also is a victim of terrorism, for when he assumes human form, he also abides the law of karma. In this, he is ONE with all who suffer terrorism. He will not thrust his arm forth through the laws of the Universe and crush terrorism.
I saw an example of the atmic relationship Swami has with his devotees this morning. One man made pranaams, spoke to Swami. Swami went Eh? and moves his head closer to hear the man. Man speaks, Swami leans over and takes letters. Swami looks at him and asks a question. Keeps on blessing prasad. Swami moves away just one step, and starts talking to the man. He is not looking at him, but taking letters, answering, looks here and there at this and that person, patting packets of prasad, now suddenly he looks at the man and and speaks, continues leaning over, continues talking, while facing nearly away from the man, again keeps on taking letters, speaking to this man. Oh, the conversation went on and on. Finally, Swami stops talking and moves over to the opposite side. He said so much to this man yet he was simultaneously attending to many, many other devotees at the same time. Crossing back and forth, Swami continues to move through men and take letters, bless prasad, sends groups in for interview.
We are all victims of terrorism. Additional protection is around Swami due threats. He also is a victim of terrorism, for when he assumes human form, he also abides the law of karma. In this, he is ONE with all who suffer terrorism. He will not thrust his arm forth through the laws of the Universe and crush terrorism.
That image of Swami moving in a human phalanx reminds me of the palanquins of yesteryear, the sacred processions where Bala Sai was carried aloft. It has quite a distinct, peaceful energy. So there is additional security and protection around the devotees. The Duty of the Guru is to protect. He has repeatedly told,
‘For the protection of the righteous, for the destruction of evil and the correction of evil doers, and for the establishment of righteousness on a firm footing I incarnate from age to age.
Whenever disharmony overwhelms the world, the Lord will incarnate in human form to establish the modes of earning peace and to re-educate the human community in the paths of peace.’
After darshan I go outside and hear someone tell, ‘Ain’t it awful, I have been glued to the TV all week!’
Afternoon darshan, I sit down next to an old friend and exchange greetings. He is from the US. Two or three words, we decide to stay here and fight the war on terrorism with the tools of love. Swami comes out early, (I dunno about saying “early“, any time could be early. I had anticipated a long wait and sweat in the pleasantly warm and slightly sticky Puttaparthi afternoon.) But no wait, out comes Swami, takes his time coming through the women. Stops, talks, takes letters. While passing through the men, Swami asks a man near me, “Where do you come from?” Man mumbles, Swami answers, “I see, very happy”. Swami smiles and raises his hand in blessing several times. Swami moves onto the porch. Music continues for a long time. Can’t see anything on the verandah.
Shortly, I see something reminiscent of the days of old. Music went on and on. Man runs from the verandah down to near where I sit. He wears an orange ribbon. He motions, and about 30 men with like ribbons arise and go to sit in front of the blue garages. Soon, Swami comes toward them and stops in front of the group, speaking with many of them. He takes letters, and the shopping bag is brought out. Swami keeps on talking, and then begins to move up and down the lines of men, slapping one on the back here, giving hands-full of vibhuti packets to every man, moving quite slowly. It looked like the days of old when Swami used to go up and down giving padnamaskar. I see Swami’s hand move high up and down, every one claps as I see Swami push something onto a man’s hand. Then once again, Swami moves down the lines of waiting men, ever so slowly, handing out packets of vibhuti himself. Again, men start clapping, and obviously, Swami has materialised something for another one. Swami sends the shopping bag back to the room to be refilled for going to the women. All remain. After a time, Swami moves over to the women’s side and hands out vibhuti. At the end, there is clapping, a gift has been given to a lady. Swami goes quickly to the Interview room. Darshan is over.
Sai Ram from the Abode of Highest Peace.