During the month of February 2021, there will be six (seven if we add Pluto) planets in Capricorn, making February a bit of an unbalance, lop-sided month, a month when we all have to take care to travel carefully and not run into bother, upsets and disappointment. Patience and Care of Self are the words to travel with in February 2021.
On January 30, Mercury (who retrogrades three times a year) commenced retrograde in Aquarius, and enters (backwards, in retrograde motion) Capricorn on 11 February. Mercury will remain in retrograde motion until 21 February when it goes direct. At this time Moon (in Virgo on 30 January) is the only planet between Rahu and Ketu, breaking Kaal Sarpa yoga, the Serpent of Time. On 7 February, all planets will be between Rahu and Ketu until Moon breaks the yoga condition on February 21, the day Mercury goes direct.
On 10 February, the Moon will join Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn. The most challenging days will be 10 and 11 February where Moon and Venus will be in conjunction, then Venus and Jupiter will be in conjunction. Moon and Sun will leave Capricorn on 13 February. At this time, Kaal Sarp Yoga (restriction of planets, betrayal of intentions, suppression of energy) and Nabassa Yoga (all planets in two signs) will be in operation bringing about a lack of balance, a lack of perspective vis-a-vis the world, a perception of negativity. It is not a good time for the world, and world leaders will be aware of this at this time.
February presents imbalance for all of us, bringing planets together with the Karl Sarp Yoga. Avoid big decisions, life-changing decisions, pace yourself through the month. The mantra for this challenging time is “This too, will pass” …
The message is for you to be aware of influences – sometimes the influences of planets that have a favourable influence upon everything that happens upon this Earth. And sometimes it is not so favourable. It is nothing to do with evil. It is nothing to do with death in the sense that everyone should be afraid – far from that – it is still the movement and influence only.
And the message is – that there is an influence coming onto this planet this time that is not favourable and I would ask everybody to connect to your Inner Sun – realising that it connects to the Galactic Sun and the core of Suns that links back to the Creative Source of All.
This influence, if they connect to it, will help them through the heavier energy that is influencing in a negative way. I would say negative in that it is up to everybody upon this Earth to decide which way they want to be influenced.
This is something they need to understand within them.
They have a choice.
Saturn is ruling many matters for this month. We think of recovery from Covid-19, availability of vaccine, fairness in distribution of vaccines, care for the aged, and more testing of vaccines to see their effects instead of rushing in and vaccinating people with unknown results. Saturn rules duty and responsibility.
This is a time when ice-melt and effect on sea temperatures and sea level rise is under consideration. It is the time of the shift and time for care of Mother Earth – our home. If we did not have the Earth for our Mother, where would we be? The shift, the rise to the 5th Dimension includes Mother Earth, and it is from Mother Earth that we obtain the rise of the crystalline energy in our bodies. So there are many matters to reflect upon at this time.
One matter remains intractable. That is sathyam vada (speak truthfully) dharmam chara (follow dharma, follow righteousness in your life and actions). R’ta and Dharma remain the right order of the Universe, even in times of negativity and bad astrological weather. Truth is the basis of the universe for all time, and outside of time also. If we express truth, if we elicit dharma in all our actions, then we shall have the protection of dharma and truth.