Religion was originally tasked with providing its adherents with a personal connection to the Divine. Fear of the Divine was introduced, along with adherence to doctrine and dogma, which brought up the notion of “the faith“. The real purpose of “the faith” was to connect people to the Divine – in their practice. Divinity is the present. Find it. It is here and is waiting for you.
Master, the following question has come to my mind: I have the impression that You often ask and recommend certain actions, but You do not give commands. Why is that so?
Because of who I am, my commands get fulfilled instantly. So, there is no need for passing them on paper in a book.
This book is a help for you – a helping hand extended in a way you are able to receive.
In this world God asks you for a turn towards Him, towards His love, because this is the way it was earlier conceived and is being executed. In other words, such a Divine Plan we are implementing now and there is no need to abandon it. Obviously other Plans exist and they have different ways of execution and different realities. Our plan is as it is and this is both good and beautiful. Pressure and commands on my part would disrupt its superb and elaborate construction. And in this scene I am the one who stays in the shade.
Come and stay in it along with me.
The great four qualities or abilities are:
the ability of turning towards Love,
devotion to the loving Creator,
patience, and
Life is too rich in its manifestations to try to encapsulate it into one set of rules. They all wither with time and become limitations. Therefore we will take another route – one that opens rather than closes, one that shows the direction and helps on the way, but does not define it hundred percent. Whether you go left or right is not as important as you’re going hand in hand with the Creator.
Remember that neither words nor concepts from the book are this route, but what is happening at every moment between me and you, is. It is love that flows when you are actively turning towards me – now, here.
This is a very important point to note: the spiritual path is the relationship between you and Divinity.
Remember: the spiritual path is the relationship between us. It is a relationship that does not require a middleman. It is a unique and intimate relationship, a relationship whose base and purpose is Love.
All that is outside is just help, but it may become an obstacle. Books, churches, clergymen and traditions were supposed to help, but have become a source of barriers.
Love is beyond this – above and beyond.
No religion has any rights to it – no religion, no rights.
Each being has the full right to Love.
Love is that which flows between us, between you and me, and not between me and an institution or an organisation.
Love is me and you.
Leave religion and tradition and come to the living and loving Divinity.
Religion with its dogmas and tradition, with its rituals, is already the past. Love is the present, Divinity is the present. Find it. It is here and is waiting for you.
It is within an arm’s reach.
It has always been here.
It will always be here.
It has always been available.
It has always waited for you.
This message is just for you.
Understanding of what I am saying is good, but cannot be equalled to love towards the Creator. You are not here to acquire and accumulate knowledge about spiritual matters. Your task is to love the Creator.
Understanding is nothing. Love is everything.
Much should change in your attitude towards me and towards yourselves. First, a few words concerning your relations with me. As I have already said, I am Love and therefore you should offer everything you do only to Love, this Force which lies at the foundation of the structure and operation of the Universe. Turning towards me will bring you much inspiration, calmness and, as time goes, also love. These are the only actions that lead you beyond the confines of the world you live in, the only actions that make deep sense, whose value can be gauged only on a scale of centuries and millennia. Everyone who gets close to me and stays with me in love will be closer and closer to me in this life as well as in every subsequent time he comes to stay here.
It is inner seeing of Divinity in every being which you should be pursuing in your spiritual life. See Divinity, speak to Divinity, be with it and in it, love it. This is the path to God.
If you listen intently to the voice of God within, it will tell you that there is no difference between you and God. And it has never been so. It was only your imagination.
The feeling of separateness exists exclusively in your mind. Separate “I” and God which should unite do not exist. Here always has been only One without the second.
In order to realize this highest truth do not think that you and God are separate. Always think: “God is with me, He is in me, He is around me, He is above me. Everything here is God. And I am God. There is nobody here except me. God and I are one.”
This is called self-confidence; it is confidence that you are Atma, the only Self.
You will develop this confidence through thinking constantly “God does everything; I do not exist without God.”
When you understand that God is not outside you, that He is not separated from you, then you will gain self-confidence. Then there is love, then there is peace, then there is truth, then there is God. Therefore, self-confidence and love for God must be first.– Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Thinking is creation. If you think that Reality is full of goodness and love, then it will become just such with time. If you think that it is full of evil and traps, your life will be hell and in time, you will attract just such events. You do not have even a faint idea how your thoughts have a profound influence on what happens around you. Therefore, trust me today and turn towards the bright side.
Try to see the loving Creator, Father and Friend in everything and everyone around you. Your life will change almost immediately. Tests and traps will, of course, continue to happen. Part of them will be paying off your karma of the past. But do not give up since the shape and content of your life is your own choice.
Sarva jiva namaskaram Kesavam pratigachchati
Whomsoever you salute, it reaches GodSarva jiva tiraskaram Kesavam pratigachchati
Whomsoever you denigrate, it reaches God.
The media should not be telling a spiritual person what to think. The source of answers is inside, not outside. There is nobody who points a gun at you and orders you to turn your attention to the world.