Summer Solstice at Uluru, Australia

The Summer Solstice is coming, and coming at the time when the light coming into the world – the coming of light at Christmas, the coming of light for Deepavali – Diwali, and the celebration of light at Hanukkah. Two years ago, at the time of solstice, the light grids were raised around the Earth and more light energies flowed to Earth from the Central Sun of our Universe. This solstice marks this coming of light and provides further opportunity to integrate the raising of personal and world-wide energies into the 5th Dimension. We begin this note by observing the solstice timing from Uluru, one of the main light centres on this Earth.

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Venus, nobility of Women and Ascension

Venus has given a message … through the channel known as Atmakaraka … for the planets also help the Earthling to evolve to the higher dimensions. Venus is both the planet Venus in our evening skies, and the shakti energy within the human, for the planets distribute light to us and raise us up or pull us down. It is a choice how we use the energy of the Planets. In this message, Lady Venus speaks of the galaxy-wide raising of the dignity of the feminine and the Ascension process of the Earthling.

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Florence Nightingale

Following a deeply rooted passion to serve the Divine, Florence Nightingale combined a strong will and intellect with a determination to serve where it was most needed. She went to the Crimea to aid soldiers dying with war wounds and her efforts brought about long-lasting social reform, initiatives in nursing and hospital administration.

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Conversations with the Master ~ World Means Light

In conversation with the Master, we learn that this world is actually light, and nothing else. We need to turn to the Master, and we will be guided to Love. The Master is extremely modest, yet waits for our Love. His modesty is our example. Religion simply still does not know much. This is so because in the past, instead of trying to learn and experience happiness and love in sweet union with the Highest, it started looking for power over people. The turn to Love is beyond categories of “understanding” and mind-wanderings; it is simply action offered to Love.

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Astrology and the Rainbow Children

The Mystery School, through the work of The Oracle and Jalarm the Atlantean have passed back information that before the fall of Atlantis, astrology was a very precise science which advised parents about the qualities and capabilities of their children along with the life paths of their children. We have learned that in ancient times there was a 13th Sign in the 360° circle of the zodiac. This sign was known by name spider or “Arachne”. The new generation star children, known as the Rainbow Children, are born under this sign.

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The Universal Number 13

The Mystery School, through the work of The Oracle and Jalarm the Atlantean have passed back information that before the fall of Atlantis, astrology was a very precise science which advised parents about the qualities and capabilities of their children, and the life paths of their children. We have learned that in ancient times there was a 13th Sign in the 360° circle of the zodiac. This sign was known by name spider or “Arachne“. The new generation star children, known as the Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children, are born under this sign. Also, many torch-bearers of the Golden Age on Earth were born under the aupsices of this 13th sign.

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Nelson Mandela

Viewed from the vantage point of the present, the whole of Nelson Mandela’s life seems to have carried the energy of legend and the weight of epic narrative. His story was woven into the story of South Africa’s journey from colonialism, through apartheid, to democracy. That long walk to freedom of a nation was unimaginable without Mandela’s personal long walk. But it was during the more than twenty-seven years of his incarceration that his life assumed its epic proportions. Mandela became an international symbol of the struggles for justice. He was without doubt the most famous prisoner in the world. A prisoner ready by 1990, on his release, to stride across a global stage.

The scriptures of India, the Vedas, pronounce: Na Karmana Na Prajaya Dhanena Thyagenaikena Amrutathwa Manasu (not by action, not by progeny, not by wealth, but by sacrifice alone is immortality obtained) . In this article, we look to the life, writings and actions of Nelson Mandela. Mandela originally trained to obtain freedom for South Africa by way of conflict. His soul blueprint did not allow for this to happen, and Mandela was imprisoned. This person, this soul-blueprint, was for the World, and not just for South Africa as we shall read.

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Conversations with the Master ~ The Path to Love

We live in a world which harrows us – literally hoes into us and demands our attention, our participation, else, we become a non-entity in the fast moving lane of modern culture. The Master tells that we need love, and that requires that we turn towards love, within.

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Human Character and Energy

Human beings live and act, work and rest in multiple domains. These are intellectual, personal, social, emotional and spiritual domains. These domains rest on true humanness, the practice of human values which form our character and our destiny. We look to how energy is involved in all these domains of human endeavour and why values are important when we are affected by energies.

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Falco, Family and Business

Book Cover, Ode to a Banker

“[The creditor] examines your family affairs; he meddles with your transactions. If you go forth from your chamber, he drags you along with him and carries you off; if you hide yourself inside he stands before your house and knocks at the door.

If [the debtor] sleeps, he sees the moneylender standing at his head, an evil dream … If a friend knocks a the door he hides under the couch. Does the dog bark? He breaks out in a sweat. The interest due increases like a hare, a wild animal which the ancients believed could not stop reproducing even while it was nourishing the offspring already produced.” Basil of Caesarea

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Falco – The Official Companion

Falco, the Official Companion, is the last book (maybe) in the Marcus Didius Falco series. The author has recently completed two novels in the Flavia Alba series -The heroine is Falco’s adopted daughter, Flavia Albia, who has grown from a troubled teenager to a feisty widow and who is an investigator in her own right. Meanwhile, this book, Falco, the Official Companion is chock full of interesting information about Falco’s Rome.

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Masculinity as Male Virtue

masculinity ancient roman

Taking up themes in the Falco Novels, we now look to Masculinity as virtue. Is masculinity a troubling term? Is masculinity how a man defines and expresses his manhood, his maleness? Is masculinity something a man does and expresses in word and action, or is it a facet of his being, his self? What exactly is masculinity?

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Human Values – Love

Love Heart

Love and Falco; in Shadows in Bronze, it seems a doomed subject as Falco begins on his task with regrets that he may never see Helena Justina again. Falco is filled with regrets at lost opportunities. (You may wish to read Shadows in Bronze, a Falco novel by Lindsey Davis.)

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Values and Civil Order

Book Cover, Time to DepartWith so many of the Falco novels focussing on aspects of Law and Order in ancient Rome, it is worthwhile to examine some aspects of this presented in Time to Depart. Falco’s friend Petro is a leader of a cohort of Vigiles.

You may wish to read Time to Depart, a Falco Novel by Lindsey Davis.

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Leadership Reflections

Book Cover, The Iron Hand of MarsIn this part of examining the issues raised in Lindsey Davis’s novel The Iron Hand of Mars, we will be taking a look at Leadership, or more specifically, leadership by historical and fictional characters as presented in this work of historical fiction. Due the nature of the environment (Rome and its military legions, and the activities thereof) observations about the nature of leadership generally, are raised.

You may wish to read The Iron Hand of Mars, novel by Lindsey Davis.

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