Thoughts about Meditation

meditation hallThe word mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words – ‘man’ meaning mind, and ‘tra’ meaning tool. Mantra meditation is used to protect practitioners from a constant onslaught of unhealthy and repetitive thoughts. A purified intellect reflecting the Atmic light confers true wisdom. When the intellect is full of God, naturally one will follow the correct path and experience Peace and Bliss. If the mind follows the senses, one is ruined. Hence, meditation is of use.

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June 2016: The Human Journey to Peace

Buddha idol facing the MoonWe normally do not speak of new moons, for the moon is the presiding deity of the mind and malefic whilst it is within 60° of the Sun. At this time, we are advised that there are significant challenges facing all on Earth, and as we journey from what the new moon offers to the full moon, we look to what solutions are possible and how we might utilise the planets. So the human journey to peace moves from new moon to full moon, wherein we may take up the stronger lunar energies for the good of the all.

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A Christmas Full Moon

The final full moon of 2015 will rise on Christmas Day this year – the first time it has occurred at the same time as the holiday since 1977. NASA forecasts the two events will not coincide again until 2034. NASA said the full moon would also be the smallest since 2004. The astronomical event is called apogee and occurs when the moon is at the farthest reach of its orbit from the Earth, nearly 407,000 kilometres away.

We have shared – via guidance given from the Cosmic Hierarchy – that the Full Moon occasions are best days for meditations for world peace, and for sending positive energy out to those in need. We look to this occasion of Full Moon to consider the astrological indications of this full Moon at Christmas.

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Nelson Mandela

Viewed from the vantage point of the present, the whole of Nelson Mandela’s life seems to have carried the energy of legend and the weight of epic narrative. His story was woven into the story of South Africa’s journey from colonialism, through apartheid, to democracy. That long walk to freedom of a nation was unimaginable without Mandela’s personal long walk. But it was during the more than twenty-seven years of his incarceration that his life assumed its epic proportions. Mandela became an international symbol of the struggles for justice. He was without doubt the most famous prisoner in the world. A prisoner ready by 1990, on his release, to stride across a global stage.

The scriptures of India, the Vedas, pronounce: Na Karmana Na Prajaya Dhanena Thyagenaikena Amrutathwa Manasu (not by action, not by progeny, not by wealth, but by sacrifice alone is immortality obtained) . In this article, we look to the life, writings and actions of Nelson Mandela. Mandela originally trained to obtain freedom for South Africa by way of conflict. His soul blueprint did not allow for this to happen, and Mandela was imprisoned. This person, this soul-blueprint, was for the World, and not just for South Africa as we shall read.

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Super Moon August 2014

This coming Full Moon on 10 August – called a ‘super moon’ on account of perigree (closest to Earth) which will occur on 10 August. As the Hierarchy – in the messages of Cosmic Sai Baba, Jalarm and Alcheringa – recommends meditation on full moon days, we offer a reflection on this coming “super moon” and the astrological significance surrounding this.

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