2017 Autumnal Equinox

The Autumnal Equinox occurs on March 20th, 2017 at 21:29 hours in the late evening. If you live below the Equator, this will be the Autumnal Equinox; if you live above the Equator, then you will welcome the Spring Equinox. This equinox comes at a time when there is much energy astir on the Earth. The future of humanity rests in the hands and minds of those would create a future of peace, harmony, co-operation and mutual understanding.

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Change, Exchange, Extremes: the planets in December 2016

Christmas is coming, the planets are not getting fat! Instead, for some of this month they are in the scissors yoga, papa-ketari, and other planets exchange signs and gather more strength. It is an interesting time of much energy accompanied by fatigue at times, along with steadiness and balance of Jupiter in Virgo. We look to Cassini’s extreme surface grazing and ring grazing as it orbits Saturn.

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Spiritual Opportunities in the Birth Chart

Vedic astrology is essentially the chart of the soul, the soul-contract for this lifetime. It shows what our body will be like, our siblings, our illnesses, our health, our career, our home environment and the influence of others on us, as well as our influence on the world. When we are born, we bring a blessing to our family. The family in turn gives us our nurturance, our love, our strength, and our opportunities to fulfil the soul contract this time. In this reflection, we look to the houses of the birth chart and the spiritual opportunities given therein.

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Eclipse at the Heart: Uluru

The Solar Eclipse of 9 March 2016 was visible from Uluru, which we have been told, is now the heart chakra of our Planet. Uluru has been raised to the 5th Dimension and and contains the heart vibration of Mother Earth and is a spiritual resource for all who live upon Earth. It is an energetic resource to be treasured in the heart of every human for it will raise and elevate the vibrations in the body and lift the human heart to the 5th Dimension. In this article we examine the portents of this eclipses from the viewpoint of vedic astrology – an ancient science which is regaining lost ground.

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Looking at Climate Change

Many are aware of the climatic changes that are taking place upon the Earth. For, if you look around – and listen to your scientists that study the Earth and its climate – you will find there are many places on this Earth where it is far too hot. Other places, there is drought, excessive monsoon rain, and in other places, volcanic activity and earthquakes. In this article we will look at possible astrological relations of climate change.

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