On August 7, 2017, (or August 8, depending where you reside) … two weeks before the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, … we will have a partial lunar eclipse. This will be seen in parts of Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and the Pacific Ocean. We take Uluru as the heart chakra of our planet, and give times and understanding of this eclipse from this location. The day of eclipse is also Gayatri Jayanti, celebration of the birth of Gayatri Ma.
Uluru in the Higher Dimensions
Anything that happens at Uluru gets instant world coverage; Uluru has planetary-wide significance, as it had in the past. It is a stargate, a place where the higher light is stepped down into the Earth realms, and the spirit beings enter this dimension to do their work. Uluru is a stargate. This was confirmed by the Archangel Mikael at Byron Bay when he told that there would be a mass showing of starships and starpeople at Uluru in January of 2018. We have been told by many of the Angelic Realms that Uluru is already in the 5th, 6th dimensions, and one may obtain spiritual advance by visiting this place, or travelling there in meditation.
Rain flows off Uluru after burst of wet weather in Central Australia
Rain has been filmed streaming down Uluru after another burst of wet weather in what has proved to be a damp year for Central Australia. A spokeswoman from the Ayers Rock Resort said rain had been flowing down the iconic rock in what was “an incredible sight”. It is thought that less than 3 per cent of tourists to the area ever get to see rain at Uluru. “The rich ochres on it kind of turns it a steely grey,” the spokeswoman said. She said it had been an unusually wet winter in Central Australia and there were large numbers of wildflowers in the area.
Partial Lunar Eclipse at Uluru
This Penumbral Eclipse begins at 15:50:01 UTC with eclipse maximum at 18:20:29 UTC on 7 August 2017.
Image Credit: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2017-august-7
Eclipses occur when the nodes are changing signs. In this instance, Ketu – the South node – will transit to Capricorn, and Rahu – the North node – will transit to Cancer. The Moon will be in Shravana nakshatra, of which the Moon is the presiding planet; and the presiding deity is Vishnu as Sridhara; Vishnu as the bearer of Mother Lakshmi – the Divine masculine and feminine. Shravana means “to listen”, and in particular, listen to the Vedic learning, ‘sruti, that which is heard. It takes much concentration and attention in the mind, single pointedness to gain the spiritual advance that is offered.
Moon is in the 9th house for this eclipse – the house of religion and spirituality – supporting the purposes of Shravana nakshatra, “to listen, in particular, to the universal truths”, Moon is aspected 100% by Mars and Sun, indicating the need for balance of feminine and masculine elements, in face of extreme male challenge, or what we might be very much surprised by, challenge in the public domain. Here, the Sun is the r4th Lord in the 3rd house (12th from, indicating losses, constraint, restraint, convalescence, hospitalisation, incarceration) … suggesting there will be strong restraints in the public domain on exercising this balance of masculine and feminine.
The Sun in the 3rd house is of a pitta nature, fire energy, and as 4th Lord, presides over a fire sign – of a fixed nature. In a sense, this is fire trapped within, fire that cannot be applied to the external environment. Whilst this is of a static nature, we do have benefic Saturn aspecting the 4th house and providing the necessary self control, self-sacrifice, self-restraint from knee-jerk reactions or explosions of fire in the public domain. Saturn provides time and space to recollect, to consider our true selves and allow talented expression of the masculine-feminine balance within. The presiding divinity is Sridhara, MahaVishnu bearing Sri Lakshmi, the Divine Mother wihin.
Saturn in Jyestha nakshatra may evoke a sense of harshness in the external world, others exerting authority and taking control of situations. However harsh and judgemental this may seem, recall that Saturn is your friend, and that the planets may raise us up, they may pull us down. Utilising what Saturn has to offer (a sense of time going slowly and dragging on, the pause, the long wait) we can use all this to exercise our intellect and bring about that balance of masculine and feminine. We may also enhance the functions of the intellect with the Gayatri Mantra. The occasion is Gayatri Jayanti, so we now turn to Mother Gayatri.
Gayatri Jayanti
Gayatri Jayanti is observed as the birth anniversary of Goddess Gayatri, the Goddess of Veda. Being the Goddess of all Veda, Goddess Gayatri is also known as Veda Mata (Mother of the Vedas).
Most people, especially in South India, observe Gayatri Jayanti during Shravana Purnima. According to Matantara i.e. due to the difference of opinions to observe Gayatri Jayanti, it is also observed on Shukla Paksha Ekadashi during Jyeshtha lunar month. The Gayatri Jayanti during Shravana Purnima is widely accepted and usually coincides with Upakarma day (day of changing the sacred thread, day of intiation into vedam).
Devotees observe Gayatri Jayanti by making special prayers to Gayatri Maa and by repeatedly chanting the Gayatri Mantra.
Benefits of Chanting Gayatri Mantra
Gayatri will protect your body, make your intellect shine and improve your power of speech.
sarva roga nivarini gayatri: Gayatri is the reliever of all diseases;
sarva dukkha parivarini gayatri: Gayatri wards off all miseries;
sarva vanch-phalashri gayatri: Gayatri is the fulfiller of all desires;
No driver of a car identifies himself with the car. Likewise, the body is the car, the Atma (soul) is the driver. Forgetting one’s true role as the driver leads one to identifying with the body, which is only a vehicle. This truth is emphatically brought about by the Gayatri Mantra.
When one is travelling, chanting of the Gayatri Mantra provides protection to the traveller and all others in the vehicle or vessel they have boarded or embarked.
Sage Viswamitra discovered the mantra named Gayathri, which is addressed to the energy of the Sun, Surya. This mantra has infinite potentiality. It is a vibrant formula. It has immense powers, powers that are truly amazing. For, the Sun is its presiding deity. Students of the Ramayana know that the same sage, Viswamitra, initiated Rama into the mysteries of Sun-worship, through the mantra Aditya Hrdayam. The Gayathri enabled Viswamitra to use rare weapons which bowed to his will when the mantra was repeated with faith. Through the powers he attained in this way, Viswamitra was able to become a great scientist and create a counterpart of this cosmos. A person who is able to increase the capabilities of his hands and his senses is now considered a ‘scientist’, but, the term (Vijnani) was correctly applied in the past only to those who developed spiritual power and discovered the formulae for delving into the Divine within, those imbued with faith and devotion who could spontaneously demonstrate that power in actual day to day living. On the other hand, the ‘scientists’ of today know only a bit here and a bit there; they exaggerate and boast of what they have managed to learn. They are fond of pomp and proud display. They rise skyhigh on the fumes of praise. Such absurdities are quite contrary to the true behaviour of a scientist. For he is humble and meek. He is aware that, however much he knows, there is a far vaster field which he has yet to know. He is conscious that Divine Grace is responsible for what little he knows.
Viswamitra was a scientist who had recognised this truth. So, there is no scientist yet greater than he was. But, though a sage of such immense eminence and with so expansive a heart lived in India, he is not remembered by the people of this land. They honour foreigners who have glimpsed his greatness; they have placed their faith in those researchers who have elicited valuable lessons from the Vedas. The Veda is the Mother of India, Bharat.
Mother Gayatri at Uluru