Om amartyaya namaha, Salutations to the One who is Immortal.
amara: amara m. (-raḥ) 1 A deity, an immortal.
amaratā f. (-tā) Immortality.
amaratva n. (-tvaṃ) Immortality.
amartya m. (-rtyaḥ) A deity. mfn. (-rtyaḥ-rtyā-rtyaṃ) Immortal, divine.
The Buddhi, like the moon, has no light in itself. Like the moon it reflects light from another source adjacent to it, namely the individual soul, Atma. Buddhi can operate only by reflecting the Cosmos Intelligence, represented by the Atma.
The Sun is designated the Cosmic Eye – a name based on the Sun’s involvement with and proximity to other objects. The Sun has no ego-sense or a sense of possession and property, and no will or want or wish. By His very presence darkness disappears and light envelopes the world. So, He is called the Enlightener. But He is not consciously doing so, as if in duty bound. The individual soul, Atma, too has neither obligation nor application. If asked how the Atma becomes a ‘doer’, the reply is – is the magnet a ‘doer’, simply because the needle which is in its neighbourhood moves?
The basic question may now be raised. Does the individual soul, the Atma, exist? If it does, how and with what proof can it be established? There is no need to prove that the individual soul – Atma exists, for, if the Atma is capable of being proved by certain arguments and lines of reasoning, the existence of a person, who uses those arguments and follows those lines of reasoning, has to be posited. That person will again be the individual soul, the Atma!
Of course, some men may reply that the Vedas are the authority for the existence of the individual soul, the Atma, and that the Atma can be experienced and validated through the Vedas. The Vedas do prohibit certain activities as unworthy of the individual soul, the Atma, or opposed to the norms expected from a believer in the Atma; they do recommend certain other activities like charity, moral behaviour, as revealing of the individual soul, the Atma. But, the Atma is its own proof, its own witness. Its existence cannot be established by other facts, or things.
The scriptures – which are texts supplementary to the Vedas – declare that God resides wherever six excellences are evident: Enthusiasm, determination, courage, good-sense, strength and adventure. The inaugural prayer of man has to be directed to God Ganapathi to gain these six gifts which can purify consciousness and reveal the individual soul, the Atma. One has to undertake the discovery of one’s Atmic core, with bravery in the heart; this is no exercise for cowards. Wicked persons, waverers in faith, doubting hearts, woeful countenances, are destined to go through life as rogis (sick persons) and not yogis (dwellers in Atma).
The Moon as presiding deity of the Mind is immortal: the Moon is known as Chandra, giver of soma, the nectar of Immortality. To give the nectar of immortality, one has to be immortal itself.
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