January of 2023 presents us with planetary movements, a Full Moon, planets going direct and challenges. We are reminded that the planets can raise us up, they can pull us down. It all boils down to maintaining steadiness and managing the mind, even when the mind is presented with external – and internal – challenges. Read more →
Much has happened since the last full Moon of December 2021 and the time of Solstice. Venus has gone retrograde, Mercury has recently turned retrograde, Mars has separated from Ketu and moving through the gandanta knot (water to fire sign) in Sagittarius. Karl Sarp yoga continues on and off every fortnight and the festival of Makara Sankranti has passed: the Sun has entered its northern path. Read more →
Three astrological events of significance take place during February 2020: Mercury retrograde and the transit (Peyarchi) of Pluto (Yama) and the imposition of Karl Sarpa Yoga with all the planets hemmed in between the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu.
November’s full moon in Aries is opposed by Mars, Mercury retrograde and a debilitated Sun. After 12 months in Scorpio, Jupiter has recently moved into its own sign of Sagittarius, and will look to the significations of this transit. Read more →
Mercury will be retrograde from October 31st to November 20th. It will begin its retrograde motion in Scorpio and then enter Libra on November 7th. When Mercury, or any other planet for that matter, is retrograde, its energy becomes intensified. It can be compulsive, obsessive, or urgent. You can think of the retrograde phase of a planet’s transit to be like a cup overflowing.
The Full Moon of Wednesday 17 July is immediately preceded by an eclipse which ends minutes before the Moon is 100% full; this conjunction we call a Super Full Moon. The eclipse maximum (in the Southern Hemisphere) is at 07:30:00 am; the full Moon is at 07:38:00 am. The Moon sets at 7:33:00 am, somewhat linking this to the experience of the recent solar eclipse in South America, when the Sun set immediately after eclipse totality. Compounding this situation is a preponderance of retrograde, sandhi and debilitated planets. As this is a time when people can be hurt by our thoughts, words and actions, it behooves us to be speaking softly and sweetly to one and all.
We are close to the time of the Moon’s nodes changing signs – which many call peyarchi. This change will will principally have effect in mundane conditions and events, as the two nodes, Rahu and Ketu, are said to impact the affairs of nations. Mercury changes signs, becomes debilitated, retrograde and renders an opportunity to learn. Ketu moves into conjunction with Saturn and we consider the presence of Pluto. Read more →