The September Full Moon – the Pisces Full Moon

Full MoonThis Full Moon comes at a time where many regions on Earth have been hit by multiple natural and biological disasters, while climate change has continued to warm the world, exacerbating the impacts. While the turbulence of this world of maya, illusion, seeks to afflict the mind, the path forward shown by the planets is one of steadiness, looking within and following the inner guidance.
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Sri Ganesha in Vedic Astrology

Sri Ganesha in Vedic AstrologyOn this day of Ganesh Chaturthi, we share one article by an esteemed jyotisha (astrologer). This brilliant article by David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) of explains the many connections between Lord Ganesha and Vedic astrology. According to the summary of the article, “Along with his indications as one of the main Devatas, giver of wisdom and remover of obstacles, Ganesha has many connections with light, time and Vedic astrology. He can guide through the complications of Vedic astrology, time and karma to the highest inner knowledge. All Vedic astrologers should seek his guidance. All Vedic chart readings should begin with mantras to Ganesha like: OM Ganeshaya Namah! Vedic astrologers should look to Ganesha not just in regard to Ketu, but more so in regard to Jupiter.
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