October 2022 Full Moon

huntersThe October full Moon – while a good time for care of animals and travel – is also a full moon that brings challenges in its wake. It is a time of due diligence to our own selves (this is not selfishness, we cannot be of service to others nor the Divine if we do not take care of our own selves) and a time of a particular awareness of what is seen, what is in our time, and what is beyond time. Perhaps timelessness is a significator of the 5th dimension, perhaps timelessness is also a significator of a greater awareness of the Self.
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Annular Solar Eclipse 26 February 2017

An annular solar eclipse will occur on February 26, 2017. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun’s, blocking most of the Sun’s light and causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring).

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Sunrise at Uluru: Alcheringa and Astrology of 2017

In Vedic Astrology, the day begins when the Sun rises. (A day is counted from sunrise-to-sunrise.) Looking to this sunrise of 1st of January 2017, we go to the heart, the Heart of our Planet – Uluru, the mysterious monolith, which, we have been informed by the Angelic Realms, is now the Heart Chakra of our planet. So from this region sacred unto all humanity – as well as the indigenous peoples – we look to see what the planets and nakshatras offer for us 2017.

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Change, Exchange, Extremes: the planets in December 2016

shadowChristmas is coming, the planets are not getting fat! Instead, for some of this month they are in the scissors yoga, papa-ketari, and other planets exchange signs and gather more strength. It is an interesting time of much energy accompanied by fatigue at times, along with steadiness and balance of Jupiter in Virgo. We look to Cassini’s extreme surface grazing and ring grazing as it orbits Saturn.
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Note on Full Moon, 7 November

The full moon of 7 November will be a strong moon, and most efficient for promoting love and harmony, understanding and co-operation around the world in this time of need; a time of multiple chaotic nodes. Individuals and groups who give time to meditation and reflections and aspirations towards world peace will give a tremendous boost to world peace, as meditations and prayers are multiplied and magnified hundredfold, during the full moon period.

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Notes on the September (Vernal) Equinox

Stonehenge at Equinox

The Full Moon of September 9 has passed; the Earth moves on towards the next new moon, which will be a time of changes in our skies, our seasons and the duty of the planets as they converse and deliver light and energy forms within the human. Depending on where you are on this planet, the Fall equinox arrives on September 23 - or it may be the Vernal Equinox, which hails Spring in the other hemisphere. In this post, we look to changes and consider the 4th Dimension.

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Note on Abhijit Nakshatra and the Golden Age


In the days of yesteryear, perhaps many yugas past, Vega was the pole star, and Abhijit nakshatra was counted among the nakshatras for both electional astrology and timing of events. It is told that the Kauravas - in the Mahabharatha war, went to strenuous efforts to prevent Lord Krishna from starting this war under the auspice of Abhijit, for it was well known that any project commenced under Abhijit would come to success.

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Rahu, Swati and Transformation


Shadow Planet Rahu – the head of the dragon in vedic mythology – is an interesting planet: it actually has no form. That is why it is called a shadow planet, for Rahu (and counterpart Ketu) are known to be causes of eclipses, and have affect on the human body and human mind at the time of eclipse. They bring about transformation. Transformation is the subject of this post as Rahu is currently transiting Libra, where it has been with Saturn, for some time. Rahu is also transiting a Nakshatra by name of Swati. What is the effect of Rahu in Swati?

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Abhijit Nakshatra


Abhijit is a seldom used nakshatra; it is not counted among the 27 asterisms of the Moon. Abhijit is the Sanskrit name for Vega, the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra. Its longitude starts from the last quarter of Uttara Ashādhā to first part of Shravana. Abhijit nakshatra is not a regular nakshatra with four padas or quarters, it serves as an intercalary asterism most of the times. It is not mentioned as frequently as other asterisms in mythology. Moon is said to have 27 (not 28) wives with whom he stays for one day in a sidereal lunar month. Each of the 27 asterisms is feminine, only Abhijit is masculine. Abhijit Muhurta is an auspicious time in the Hindu panchang.

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