January of 2023 presents us with planetary movements, a Full Moon, planets going direct and challenges. We are reminded that the planets can raise us up, they can pull us down. It all boils down to maintaining steadiness and managing the mind, even when the mind is presented with external – and internal – challenges.
The Full Moon is in Purva Phalguna, in Leo. The Sun is friendly towards the Moon, and the Moon has no planet as enemy, so a mutually friendly transit for Moon. Purva Phalguna nakshatra has Venus as ruler, it is tamas guna (lazy in nature), and seeks kama – desires and pleasures – as its goal. Learned authorities tell us the Deity of Purva Phalguna is Bhaga, and the energy flowing there-from is of relationship and sexuality. Purva Phalguna is said to be favourable for marriage, sex, relationships in general, rest, relaxation, enjoyment. Certainly facets of tamasa and kama!
Bhaga – the presiding deity of Purva Phalguna – is another name for the Sun. He is one of the 12 sons of Aditi. Bhaga, the god of good fortune and luck indicates that the fruits promised by Purva Phalguna are usually highly auspicious. The belief surrounding this is that good luck shines on you due your good acts in your past life. Bhaga also stands for the inherited share we receive when we come of age.
Full Moon is in Leo, and this is the 5th house. Of course, there is the benign influence of the Sun (and how Sun behaves. Keep in mind that transiting planets will somewhat behave like their lords…) so there be the felt emotional need to be the unique, splendid, bright centre of attention in centre-stage or at the brightly lit top of the mountain. Here, the top of the Mountain is being in high places, having peak experiences, enjoying brilliant entertainment, celebrity events, and summit meetings, all food for shining brightly and being the centre of attention. (Or at least, feeling like so… )
The Full Moon is aspected by Mars, then Venus, Saturn, Rahu. Mars aspecting Moon (when benefic) presages generosity, ambition, boldness and enthusiasm. On the other hand, Mars is retrograde, so beware of misunderstandings, silly quarrels and irritation. Note that ambition and boldness are also facets of Rahu’s energy, the charakara (the fraudulent), the one who will not follow dharma. Ambition and boldness are perfectly fine when one upholds … dharmo rakshita rakshitaha.
Saturn and Venus in Capricorn. Saturn and Venus are friends, and give the 6/8 challenge to the Moon. These aspects are 85% and 75% respectively. This can trip scripts in the mind (the Moon is the presiding deity of the mind) of being victimised, of servitude or bondage which cannot be escaped. One can be in a situation of lacking equity, where one gives more than they receive. We have shared that the planets serve the Purusha, they reflect light energy and magnetism energy to the body-mind-spirit complex. They can raise us up, they can pull us down. That is their dharmic activity. We told, this can trip scripts in the mind. These sorts of feelings – and even events … or history in our minds … can be managed simply by managing the mind, and presenting it with new scripts.
Here is Sathya Sai Baba:
The idea of the Universe is strong in your mind. It is difficult to erase strong tendencies of mind. When you practice the opposite direction, that habitual attitude can be erased. As is the nature and strength of the attitude, so is the phenomenon.
In the Navamsha, the Full Moon is in the third house and debilitated in Scorpio. Once again, Mars is aspecting the Full Moon. Saturn, in the lagna, also aspects this Moon. Rahu occupies Leo, and aspects Moon from there – so our Full Moon, for those in their senior years, is under quite some pressure. Saturn tells, “Go placidly amid the noise and haste”; Rahu says, “Puff your chest up and bluster your way to your goal!”, and Mars says, “Ride ’em Cowboy!” … a bit of a confusing Full Moon. Best read the Desiderata, and take all things with grace and measure, and hold on to steadiness and stability.

Planetary moves during January 2023
Saturn moves into Aquarius, which is an important influence for 2023. Saturn reflects duty, attention to detail, method in completing tasks, and confronts us with responsibilities. Aquarius is the natural 11th house, the masses, the crowds, the many people in our lives. The masses – the world’s population will see the effects of Saturn in Aquarius; for ourselves, if we fulfil our responsibilities we will feel the slow, sure, steady hand of Saturn.
Mars is retrograde in Taurus and in the same sign in both the main chart and the Navamsha – this makes Mars quite strong. Mars will remain retrograde to 14 January 2023 and will go direct after that. The global effect of Mars direct may bring a positive influence on the war in Ukraine, and other wars on our planet. Let us hold light and love for the peoples of Ukraine.
Mercury remains retrograde to 18 January; vakri (retrograde) means crooked, curved, bent, tortuous, twisted, wry, oblique. Be alert.
Earlier we told that Mercury was retrograde on 1 January, and to delay New Year’s Resolutions until 18 January when Mercury goes direct. If you are interested in bringing closure to 2022 in your life, and laying a foundation for 2023, we suggest using Year Compass . It is a novel method of reflecting on the year past, and reframing the future.
Meditation at Full Moon
Energies of light and love and the will-to-good are always available to those who can contact them in meditation. But in all aspects of our planetary life there are cycles in the ebb and flow of spiritual energies with which groups, as well as individuals, can consciously cooperate. One of the major energy cycles coincides with the phases of the moon, reaching its peak, its high tide, at the time of the full moon. This is a time, therefore, when the invocation and radiation of energy through group meditation can be uniquely effective.
One may ask, what has the moon got to do with it? The energies of light and love and the will-to-good are always available to those who can contact them in meditation. But in all aspects of our planetary life there are cycles in the ebb and flow of spiritual energies with which groups, as well as individuals, can consciously cooperate. One of the major energy cycles coincides with the phases of the moon, reaching its peak, its high tide, at the time of the full moon. This is a time, therefore, when the channelling of energy through group meditation can be uniquely effective.
The moon itself has no influence on the work; but the fully-lighted orb of the moon indicates a free and unimpeded alignment between our planet and the sun, the solar centre, the energy source for all life on Earth. At such times we can make a definite approach to God, the Creator, the centre of life and intelligence. That this realisation is part of humanity’s ancient intuitive understanding is verified by the many religious festivals which are fixed by reference to the moon or a zodiacal constellation.
Black Hole Meditation
Question: How do I turn within?
Reply: Go inside in any given cell. Choose any one cell and concentrate on it.
Question: Can I take a cell in my knee, for instance?
Reply: Yes, cellular consciousness is one and the same in every cell of your body and Atmic consciousness is one and the same in every cell on earth. Visualise a schematic picture of the cell. Take an ellipse form, and realise that this ellipse is infinitesimally smaller than the one you visualise. Now visualise in the cell, space as you know it – the universe with all its stars and planets. Then visualise in that space an infinitely small point, turned upon itself.
Question: A sort of black hole?
Reply: Yes, a sort of black hole, but then one which gives energy. That is the Atma-point. Visualise the Atma-point in each cell as a reversed black hole – as the source of everything.
Comment: When I close my eyes and try it, I see a black sky with stars and one tiny point from which energy gushes up as a sort of fountain.
Reply: Go now to a cell of your throat.
Question: The space there is much lighter. It is as if the sun is shining there.
Reply: You have arrived at the throat-chakra. In essence each cell in itself is a power-station of energy. But in the chakras there is a large assembly of energies.
From now on do this exercise at the end of each morning and evening meditation. That is the way to unity. Try to do it as often as possible. You can do it more often if you feel like it. It is always possible; in any place, at any time, during any activity.
It is not about your knee though, or about your throat or any other body-part. It is about each individual cell, which is enormously magnified in order to visualise it, but which you know to be infinitesimally smaller.
You may also concentrate on the atoms in the cells. For what you really concentrate on is neither cell nor atom. You use these ideas as metaphors for what it is really about. It is really about the Atma, which is in every atom, in every cell, in every being. The Atma is the all-penetrating force which cannot be expressed in an earthly substance, but which gives existence to all that is.
Image Credits: Astro Communication Services