The September Full Moon – the Pisces Full Moon

Full MoonThis Full Moon comes at a time where many regions on Earth have been hit by multiple natural and biological disasters, while climate change has continued to warm the world, exacerbating the impacts. While the turbulence of this world of maya, illusion, seeks to afflict the mind, the path forward shown by the planets is one of steadiness, looking within and following the inner guidance.
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Triptych of Eclipses (Third Part)

eclipsed moonOver the period of one month from June 5th to July 5th, 2020, we will have experienced three eclipses. The first, on 5-6 June was a penumbral lunar eclipse visible over all of Africa, Europe, South East Asia and the Indian Ocean. The second eclipse – on June 21st, was an annular solar eclipse which began in Africa and ended over the Pacific Ocean. The third eclipse of 4-5 July – a penumbral lunar eclipse – will be seen over most of Africa, most of North and South America and Antarctica.
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2018 Winter Solstice

A solstice is an event occurring when the Sun appears to reach its most northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. Two solstices occur annually, around June 21 and December 21. The seasons of the year are determined by reference to both the solstices and the equinoxes. In the Southern Hemisphere, the winter solstice for 2018 will occcur at 8:07pm on the evening of June 21st.

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