In the days of yesteryear, Vega was the pole star, and Abhijit nakshatra was counted among the nakshatras for both electional astrology and timing of events. In this month, the Moon will formally transit Abhijit on 27 November.
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the fourth dimension and vedic astrology
In the days of yesteryear, Vega was the pole star, and Abhijit nakshatra was counted among the nakshatras for both electional astrology and timing of events. In this month, the Moon will formally transit Abhijit on 27 November.
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The full moon of 7 November will be a strong moon, and most efficient for promoting love and harmony, understanding and co-operation around the world in this time of need; a time of multiple chaotic nodes. Individuals and groups who give time to meditation and reflections and aspirations towards world peace will give a tremendous boost to world peace, as meditations and prayers are multiplied and magnified hundredfold, during the full moon period.
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