2020 Lunar Eclipse at Uluru

penumbral lunar eclipseEclipses come in pairs – we last had an eclipse – on Christmas Day in many places in the world – on 26 December which was very unusual for a variety of reasons. A penumbral eclipse of the Moon occurs on Saturday 11 January – at Uluru – which is the solar chakra of the Earth. At maximum eclipse, 90% of the Moon’s disc will be partially shaded by the Earth, which will cause a slight shadow gradient across the face of the Moon.
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2017 September Equinox

There are two equinoxes every year – in September and March – when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal. Seasons are opposite on either side of the Equator, so the equinox in September is also known as the autumnal (fall) equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and is considered the first day of fall. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is known as the vernal (spring) equinox and marks the first day of spring.

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NASA uses Moon’s Umbra to map the path of the August 2017 Eclipse

The total solar eclipse on Monday, Aug. 21, 2017 will cross the continental United States beginning in Oregon and ending in South Carolina. The last time a total solar eclipse spanned the United States was in 1918, when the path of totality entered through the southwest corner of Washington and passed over Denver, Colorado, Jackson, Mississippi, and Orlando, Florida before exiting the country at the Atlantic coast of Florida.
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Change, Exchange, Extremes: the planets in December 2016

shadowChristmas is coming, the planets are not getting fat! Instead, for some of this month they are in the scissors yoga, papa-ketari, and other planets exchange signs and gather more strength. It is an interesting time of much energy accompanied by fatigue at times, along with steadiness and balance of Jupiter in Virgo. We look to Cassini’s extreme surface grazing and ring grazing as it orbits Saturn.
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Juno arrives at Jupiter

junojupiterAstronomers and scientists are excited: Juno will reach Jupiter at lunchtime on July 5 (AEST) having travelled almost 3 billion km in 5 years. Jupiter is like a time capsule of the early solar system – its inner structure will reveal how planets form. During 37 orbits Juno will study the planet’s structure, gravity and magnetic field. Looking at this event from Vedic Astrology suggests that the visit of Juno to Jupiter will present profound transformation for understanding life on Earth.
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Shortest Lunar Eclipse and last Red Moon for 3 Years

red moon

The Moon is the presiding deity of the Mind and time passes marked by full moon, eclipse, new moon, full moon, lunar eclipse and new moon, the Sun and Moon, the eclipses and seasons Ring the Changes to Planet Earth as Ascension continues to envelop all who reside here - in all life forms. The lunar energies are strongest (the Higher Cosmic Beings recommend this time of Full Moon as the best time for prayers in common, group prayers for the welfare of all the worlds) and eclipses are times of transformation as Ketu and Rahu are involved. This coming Full Moon on April 5 is one of a tetrad of eclipses and the shortest lunar eclipse in a long time. The Moon is conjunct Rahu in Virgo, the Sun conjunct Ketu in Pisces.

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Note on Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse


A full moon is when the mind is at its strongest (the Moon is the presiding deity of the Mind); the lunar energies are strongest (the Higher Cosmic Beings recommend this time of Full Moon as the best time for prayers in common, group prayers for the welfare of all the worlds) and eclipses are times of transformation - internal transformation within the human, particularly where Ketu and Rahu are concerned; this full Moon is conjunct Ketu, the Sun is conjunct Rahu. So a significant time is upon us from the perspectives of astronomy, astrology and the psyche.

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Note on the Full Moon of August 10

Full Moon

This coming Full Moon on 10 August – called a ‘super moon’ on account of perigee (closest to Earth) which will occur on 10 August. As the Hierarchy – in the messages of Cosmic Sai Baba, Jalarm and Alcheringa – recommends meditation on full moon days, we offer a reflection on this coming “super moon” and the astrological significance surrounding this.

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The Cardinal Grand Cross

Cardinal Grand Cross

The great palaeontologist Teilhard de Chardin commenced his Mass on the World with "Since once again, Lord—though this time not in the forests of the Aisne". So once again, it behooves jyothishas' to pay some attention to the Cousins – those who practice and follow western (tropical) astrology. Some western astrological websites are expecting major world events with the Cardinal Grand Cross occurring April 20-24th with Mars squaring Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter and then the oppositions between Jupiter and Pluto and Mars and Uranus. With respect to our astrological cousins, we look to this matter as it is a period straddled by two eclipses: the lunar eclipse of 14 April and the solar eclipse of April 29.

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Note on Solar New Year

Idol of Sun God

The Solar New Year begins when the Sun enters the sign of Aries in the zodiac. This is a traditional time when one casts a kundli or birth chart for the nation in order that one might ascertain what is ahead for that country in the forthcoming year. Other jyotisha may use the annual varshapaal chart; using the entry of the Sun, Lord Surya, into Aries is also taken as well-established. In this note about the Solar New Year, we would speak of the role of the outer sun and the inner sun in our lives, the placement of the Sun for the coming year and its relation to the Fourth (and other dimensions) and the story of Hanuman swallowing the Sun. The Sun then gives the gift of the Vedas to Hanuman.

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Muslims warned in Fatwa not to live on Mars

Mars and Earth

Promoting or being involved in a one-way trip to the Red Planet is prohibited in Islam, a fatwa committee under the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowment in the UAE has ruled.

“Such a one-way journey poses a real risk to life, and that can never be justified in Islam,” the committee said. “There is a possibility that an individual who travels to planet Mars may not be able to remain alive there, and is more vulnerable to death.”

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A grand sextile – a new cornucopia

Green Cornucopia

From time to time, it behooves Vedic Astrology to pay some attention to the cousins; those who practice and follow western (tropical) astrology. It is sometimes of benefit to check horoscopes cast for confirmation; it is also important, as many minds cast their attention to this form of astrology, and hence, it has a certain validity. We take our point of departure from Leonard French's teachings on self-fulfilling prophecy. As so many westerners only know this form of astrology, attention must be given, if only to explain certain phenomena.

On July 29, classical tropical astrology advises that many planets will form a disposition known as the "Grand Sextile". This event has a subtle spiritual significance far beyond the considerations and interpretations of astrology and astronomy. It indicates – albeit on a subtle level – the rise and rise of energies which will result in a rise in mass consciousness.

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Cassini and Saturn

Cassini and Saturn

NASA - Wave at Saturn

One of the most exciting NASA Spacecraft Cassini events in 2013 will be the unusual opportunity on July 19 to image the whole Saturn system as it is backlit by the sun. With Saturn covering the harsh light of the sun, we will be gathering unique ring science and also catching a glimpse of our very own home planet.

Earth from Saturn

NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft took this photo on December 19, 2012

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