Ketu and Spiritual Intelligence Part 1

Ketu – South Node of Moon

Navagraha Ketu - God without head

Om Chitravarnaya vidmahe
Sarpa Roopaya Dheemahe
Tanno Ketu Prachodayat

Ketu, the opposite node to Rahu, came into being during the churning of the Ocean of Milk. The last gift of that churning was the emergence of the God of Healing, Dhanvantari, with the pot of amrit, the nectar of immortality. Ketu and Rahu were whole at that time, in the form of a demon known as Swarbharnu, who engaged in subterfuge to obtain the nectar whilst it was being served out by the enchantress Mohini. The deception was discovered by the Sun and Moon, who ran tale-telling to the great God Maha Vishnu, who promptly sent his discus and separated the head from the body; the body is today known as Lord Ketu, South Node of the Moon.

Ketu has very poor reputation garnered over the ages and in narrative, yet, is disposer of intelligence of a deep order. Ketu is also disposer of Spiritual Intelligence.

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Mars and Inner Strength

Human Values and Astrology
Value:Peace; Sub-value: Inner Strength
Planet (graha) Mars – Lord Kuja

The Planet Mars – sometimes known in Vedic Astrology as Mangala, is son of the Earth, and is a focus of energy or shakti of the Earth. Mars is told to be of Pitta dosha – of a fiery nature, and rules two fire signs, Aries and Scorpio. Mars is lord of the Third House and – in debilitated aspect, is Lord of the Eighth House.

Mars is the chieftain, the commander, the leader. He is found frequently in occupations where there is protection of the community – such as the defence forces, the policing forces, the security forces. In these roles, Mars can be tamasic in nature and appearance, but this obscures what is beneath the surface – extensive skills, acquisition of skills relevant to duty (to the extent of bringing order out of chaos) and inner strength.

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Reflections on Rahu Part II

Rahu – North Node of Moon

Idol of Rahu at Sri Someshvara Temple

Om nakadwajaaya vidmahe
padma hastaaya dheemahi
tanno rahu prachodayat

The myth encompassing Rahu and Ketu illustrate the divine design – energy is blocked when Rahu and Ketu bedim the Sun and Moon. Both eclipses and conjunctions with Rahu, the North Node, obstruct, negate and liberate energy within. The two nodes are points of energy wherein the combinations and recombinations of planetary forces are transformed: for good or ill. The nodes both magnify the energy of any planet they are associated or conjunct with. However, with the inbreaking of the Golden Age and the uptake of the 4th Dimension, these nodes and their role is to augment, supplant, release and reactivate the energy within. It may also be the role of Rahu and Ketu to re-activate the so-called Junk DNA within.

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Solar New Year and 4th Dimension – Part 2

(This is Part Two of a letter to my friend, Gandhi. Gandhi is his nickname due his remarkable resemblance to the late Mahatma Gandhi. “Gandhi” lives in Puttaparthi, and asked me about the forthcoming Solar New Year. In the last post, I began with a general overview of the Sun’s dispersion of rays, and how this energy is being checked or throttled by Saturn and Rahu, and how the 4th Dimension energy continue to flow to us with checks and balances. )

Dear Gandhi,
you wrote to me and asked about the Solar New Year and what it might have in store for you. In my last letter, I explained how the Sun is vargottama in 14 divisions and what this means. There are checks and balances brought by Saturn and Rahu, and Mars is depleted, in combustion being so close to the Sun; Mars is weakened to the tune of 95% so there are changes in the way strength and force are used. Social networking, social relationships are in for a marked change due this combustion of Mars.

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Solar New Year and the 4th Dimension

(This is a letter to my friend, Gandhi. Gandhi is his nickname due his remarkable resemblance to the late Mahatama Gandhi. Gandhi lives in Puttparthi, and asked me about the forthcoming Solar New Year. So I have cast a vedic chart (called kundali) and write to explain to him what the chart means – especially in the light of the new dimensions, the 4th dimension, of which Gandhi knows little.)

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Mars and Fearlessness

Human Values and Astrology
Value:Peace; Sub-value: Fearlessness
Planet (graha) Mars – Lord Kuja

Kuja - Hindu God

Om veeradhwajaaya vidmahe
vighna hastaaya dheemahi
tanno bhooma prachodayaat

Mars is ambitious, energetic, firm, brave, ardent, resolute, resourceful, enterprising and inspiring. Mars also empowers Fearlessness, a sub-value of Peace.

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