A President is Elected

fullmoonIn the matter of Trump getting elected, some astrologers in conversation are identifying a moment of transformation and shaking up of the establishment, similar to the effect of the Brexit vote. We do bring some significant news by way of astrology and President-elect Trump. His chart is out there for all to see and there are changes coming for Trump, very soon. These changes may be a coordinated incidence with the forthcoming full moon, a Super Moon.

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Leadership and Astrology

leadership, allegedly

Leadership is a multi-dimensional activity, an acquired skill, duty and responsibility. Leaders have followers; if there are no followers, then there is no leader. Leaders embody a vision, and employ their skills to procure the fulfilment of task needs, group needs and individual needs. They may have a range of innate skills, learned skills, and knowledge about themselves, their task, and about the other people they lead. One great teacher of humanity tells that leaders know their people as well as their mothers do, and care for them better.

So we present a question about kundli charts (horoscopes) and leadership and where leadership is discerned> How does astrology address the dimensions of leadership?

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