Notes on the September Equinox, 2019

Image of equinoxThere are two equinoxes every year – in September and March – when the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal. Seasons are opposite on either side of the Equator, so the equinox in September is also known as the autumnal (fall) equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and is considered the first day of Fall. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is known as the Vernal (spring) equinox and marks the first day of spring.
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Looking at Climate Change: European Heat Wave


STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AFP) — As Europe’s record-breaking heatwave drifts towards the Arctic it threatens to accelerate the melting of ice in Greenland, which already started earlier than normal this year, climate scientists warned Saturday.

After breaking records over Europe, the heatwave has swept over Scandinavia and is predicted to move towards Greenland, according to the World Meteorological Organisation.

Saturn and Ketu are conjunct in a fire sign – and remain so – until the end of this year (and early 2020). What does this augur for Climate Change?

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Full Moon – May 2019

Full Moon at the end of the roadThe Full Moon for May 2019 is the Vesak Full Moon, celebrating the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha. Other festivals for this day are Vaishakha Purnima, Anvadhan and Kurma Jayanti. Divine inner light is strong at this time and meditation is beneficial.
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Looking at Climate Change – 12th House

The Twelfth house of the zodiac is recognised as the place of incarceration of one or another kind for medical, judicial or spiritual reasons. The 12th house is a place recuperation and rehabilitation; it is also the place of remand and imprisonment. It can also be the place of solitude, withdrawal and religious retreat from the world. When we consider climate change, the 12th house is the place of losses: losses to the environment, losses to health, losses of the quality of human life.

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Looking at Climate Change – 8th House

The Eighth house is the house that contains the beliefs of the masses, red tape, delays, obstructions, accidents, public works and how quickly they are implemented. It is also the house of disasters, epidemics, floods, cyclones, storms, floods and earthquakes. What then are the important matters of the 8th house and climate change?

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Looking at Climate Change – 7th House

The Seventh house is the house of relationships. Primarily reckoned as the marriage relationship, the seventh house in fact scopes to include all relationships with others, albeit in the family, the workplace, the sporting groups we participate in, the community groups wherein we serve the public good and our peer group where we mix, socialise and have fun times. All these relationships come under the auspice of the 7th House. What then are the important matters of the 7th house and climate change?

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Looking at Climate Change – 6th House

The Sixth house is the house of debts, financial control, service to those in need and public health. It is the house of public amity, communal harmony and helpful labour relations. In this instance we take a Virgo lagna and look to Aquarius as 6th House and ask ourselves, What are the important matters for 6th house and climate change?

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Looking at Climate Change – 5th House

The Fifth house is readily known as the house of Love and creativity; it is frequently known as the menage of children, pleasures, speculation, games and gambling. This is the house that rules intellectuals, emotional stability, communal harmony, speculative nature of the masses, investments, stock exchanges, universities along with morals and values of the people. When we consider the environs of climate change, we dig a little deeper than “children, pleasures, speculation”, all the normal activities of the 5th house. We take a Leo lagna and look to Sagittarius as 5th House and ask ourselves, What are the important matters for 5th house and climate change?

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Looking at Climate Change – 4th House

The fourth house is readily known as the house of home and base of operations; the environment and domestic affairs are catered to in the fourth house as are matters for home consumption. This is the house that rules land, vehicle, mother, cow, and mines – in their different forms. It is also the locale of government lands, such as “crown land”. When it comes to looking at climate change, we dig a little deeper than “happiness from parents, many brothers, materialistic”, the accoutrements that go with a good home. In this instance, we take a Leo lagna and look to Scorpio as 4th House with Mars and Sun the benefics with Sun being the best. Mercury and Venus are malefics. Jupiter, the Moon and Saturn are neutrals for Leo ascendant. What are the important matters for 4th house and climate change?

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Looking at Climate Change – 3rd House

The third house is readily known as a house of needs and desires necessary to maintain station in life. This is different for everyone, and overweening desire which o’erleaps itself and brings down loss and destruction is not indicated. This is the house of maintaining one’s environment – both inner and outer. In the matter of climate change, maintaining one’s environment has a larger – holistic – meaning beyond any personal desire to increase one’s power and pelf. In this instance, we presume a Cancer lagna and look to Virgo as 3rd House with Jupiter benefic for Cancer rising. Looking to Astrology and Climate Change, we ask ourselves, “What opportunities exist for a geocentric renewables sector with planets in the 3rd House“?

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Looking at Climate Change – 2nd House

The second house is readily known as a house of wealth. It is also a house of skill acquisition, where we learn the skills to earn our daily keep. In the matter of climate change, wealth has a larger meaning beyond any specific source of income – for climate change affects the entire planet. In this instance, we presume a Cancer lagna and look to Leo as 2nd House with Mercury conjunct Rahu. What opportunities exist for sources of wealth in the renewables sector with these planets in the 2nd House?
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Looking at Climate Change

There are many elements to climate change – there is global warming, desertification, deforestation, air pollution, rising sea levels and extreme weather to name a few. Astrology marks out a path through life, and the planets radiate magnetism and light energy from the kalapurusha, the Lord of Time and Space. There is little denial nor argument that there is a problem with our planet, and action has to taken to heal the Earth. For where would we be without the Earth our Mother?
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