Shortest Lunar Eclipse and last Red Moon for 3 Years

red moon

The Moon is the presiding deity of the Mind and time passes marked by full moon, eclipse, new moon, full moon, lunar eclipse and new moon, the Sun and Moon, the eclipses and seasons Ring the Changes to Planet Earth as Ascension continues to envelop all who reside here - in all life forms. The lunar energies are strongest (the Higher Cosmic Beings recommend this time of Full Moon as the best time for prayers in common, group prayers for the welfare of all the worlds) and eclipses are times of transformation as Ketu and Rahu are involved. This coming Full Moon on April 5 is one of a tetrad of eclipses and the shortest lunar eclipse in a long time. The Moon is conjunct Rahu in Virgo, the Sun conjunct Ketu in Pisces.

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The 5th Dimension and the Equinox

fields of flowers

The March Equinox occurs on March 20th, 2015. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, this will be the Autumn Equinox; if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, then you will welcome the Spring Equinox. This equinox is preceded by a Total Solar Eclipse (in the region of the Atlantic Trench). The Solar Eclipse commences at 9:16AM in France, and the Equinox occurs late evening, at 21:45:00. This Equinox, preceded by an eclipse, a moment of transformation of the darkness within the human, has much to bring to humanity by way harnessing the energies of the 5th Dimension.

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