Notes on the September (Vernal) Equinox

Stonehenge at Equinox

The Full Moon of September 9 has passed; the Earth moves on towards the next new moon, which will be a time of changes in our skies, our seasons and the duty of the planets as they converse and deliver light and energy forms within the human. Depending on where you are on this planet, the Fall equinox arrives on September 23 - or it may be the Vernal Equinox, which hails Spring in the other hemisphere. In this post, we look to changes and consider the 4th Dimension.

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Note on the Full Moon of September 9

Jupiter Moon

This coming Full Moon on 9 September is one of three "super" moons in a row. Perhaps these full (super) Moons salute the three gods of Hinduism, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara! As the Hierarchy – in the messages of Cosmic Sai Baba, Jalarm and Alcheringa – tell that group meditation for World Peace is particularly effective on full moon days, we offer a reflection on this coming "full moon" and the astrological significance surrounding this.

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