108 Names of the Moon: Chandra Ashtottara Shatanamavali #27

Moon - a royal planet

Om devabhojanaya namaha, Salutations to the One who is the food of the gods.

deva: A deity, a god.
deva the Lord worthy of worship
deva: demigod
bhojana: n. Food. Eating.
bhojana: the eating Madhya 3.100, Madhya 15.246, Antya 12.136
bhojana: taking lunch. Madhya 18.78, Antya 15.6
bhojana: dining together SB 1.15.19
soma: of the Moon SB 5.10.17
soma giri: the initiating guru Adi 1.57
soma-pītham: used for drinking the beverage soma SB 6.9.1
soma-pītham: used for drinking soma-rasa SB 6.9.5
soma-pīthaḥ: drink soma-rasa SB 5.26.29
soma-pīthe: drinking the intoxicant called soma SB 5.15.12

Deva bhojana refers to that which is consumed by the gods – and humans. It is known that the devas, the gods obtain their immortality by consuming Soma in deva-loka. The gods prefer not to be seen, so do not appear at soma offerings. Soma, however, is also present in humans and can be increased by way of spiritual activity. Where soma grants immortality to the gods, it is a rejuvenating agent for the human.

A healthy and harmonious physical rejuvenation depends upon developing and strengthening our physical and vital Somas. Rejuvenation of the mind depends upon developing and strengthening our mental and emotional Somas. Immortality of the spirit depends upon developing and strengthening our connection with the supreme Soma of universal love, joy and compassion. There are several aspects to these processes, which can work together.

  • Soma-increasing foods (fruits, nuts, dairy, root vegetables, whole grains) to nourish a higher quality energy and tissue in the body.
  • Soma-increasing herbs (tonic, nervine and rejuvenative agents) for strengthening the body and mind.
  • Soma-increasing sensory impressions (sights and sounds born of nature and spiritual aspiration) to nourish and revitalise the mind and senses.
  • Turning within and slowing down: rest, relaxation and deep sleep, stillness, silence and spacing; learning to hold and conserve our energy within.
  • Soma-increasing emotions, devotion and associations born of the spiritual heart.
  • Soma-increasing pranayama and pranic exercises, calming and deepening the breath and vital force.
  • Soma-increasing mantras, visualisations, thoughts and affirmations to increase the Soma of the mind.
  • Soma-promoting deep meditation and samadhi, to unfold the deepest Somas of the bliss of awareness.

Soma increasing diet and herbs are part of the Ayurvedic approach to Soma. They are covered under Ayurvedic rejuvenation or rasayana practice, which is an important aspect of Ayurvedic treatment starting with the ancient classics of Charac and Sushrut Samhitas. The section relative to the treatment of disease in Charak Samhita deals with rejuvenation first. For Ayurveda, the development of Soma is the key to good immunity, good longevity and optimal health, as well as to good progeny.

Inner factors for developing Soma come under Raja Yoga or Yoga in the broader sense of the combination of knowledge, devotion, service and energy practices. Classical Yoga can be defined as a means of developing our inner Soma, particularly through the state of samadhi, to uncover our inner immortality in our true Self. This Soma is sometimes referred to as nectar or as the Moon in yogic thought.

Yet Soma is the essence of all healing and well-being and is present in whatever allays our suffering in any manner. This means that Soma increasing approaches have great relevance for everyone, as we all want to avoid pain and gain happiness. Life itself is Soma or we would not want to live. The inner Soma takes us into the universal life, which is our true existence.

Om devabhojanaya namaha, Salutations to the One who is the food of the gods.



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