Full Moon, 28 June 2018

A full moon occurs mid-afternoon of 28 June 2018. This full moon occurs in Mula nakshatra, which is very close to the centre of the galaxy. It is known that the Grand Central Sun of our galaxy is a dark star (Sagittarius A). What is not so well known is that dark stars are expressions of the paramjyothi, the highest light. There is a meditation to this effect.

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June Solstice, 2017

Each year is divided into two halves, known as ayana. Uttarayana begins on the day of the (winter or summer) solstice, normally December 21, when the sun begins its apparent northward journey. Dakshinayana begins on the first day of the (summer or winter) solstice, normally June 21, marking the sun’s southward movement. (Which solstice – summer or winter – depends if one lives above or below the Earth’s equator!)

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