Full Moon, 29 May 2018

A full moon occurs on the early morn of 30 May 2018. This full moon occurs in an extra (intercalary) month by name Adhik Jyestha, and is devoted to Lord Krishna. The name Jyestha comes from the nakshatra the moon occupies at the time of full moon. It is a time of celebration (for Buddhists) and a time of emotional challenge, for some.

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Ready Player One and Ascension

Ready Player One was released on the Easter Weekend of 2018 instead of December 2017 when it would have been released against The Last Jedi. It had a production budget of $175 million and eventually grossed $582 million worldwide. Ready Player One does a lot of things, such as 1980’s pop nostalgia, re-entry into the fantasy world of computer games and introduces the viewer to life in Virtual Reality in a way that The Matrix does not aspire to. It is an at-times challenging movie with an important message for the future of humanity. Virtual Reality is on the way.

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Yama – Dharmaraja

There is the Hindu deity Yama, mostly known – and feared – as the God of Death: Yama, the god who judges the souls at the end of life. His other name is Dharmaraja, and he is called Lord of Justice, said to be rightly judging souls for their accumulated deeds on Earth. Said to be blue in colour, he rides a he-buffalo, and holds a rope and a stick (danda).

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The Dimensions of Star Wars

What is the nature of ‘The Force’ in the Star Wars films? Are there higher dimensional abilities depicted by characters in The Last Jedi? Are the Jedi ideas and use of The Force something that is ultimately destructive, not useful? These questions – and more – begin to be explored…

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