
Conclave (film)Many audiences will be eager to see Conclave because they have read Robert Harris’ exciting novel, the story of the death of the Pope, the gathering the Cardinals, the details required by Vatican regulations, the need for security, the holding of the conclave and the election of a new Pope.

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Green Saints for a Green Generation

Green Saints for a Green Generation - Book CoverYoung scientists, sisters, and theologians of the “green generation” reflect on “saints”, canonised and not, who offer hope and inspire us towards ecological action. “In the community of saints, all together are companions in memory and hope. Together, all together, they are becoming something strange and growing and great, instruments of change. Green Saints for a Green Generation taps beautifully into this dynamic for the sake of our suffering Earth, which cries out for no less”.

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Somehow: Thoughts on Love

Book Cover - Somehow: Thoughts on Love
“What are we even talking about when we talk about love? What is it?” So asks Lamott on the first page of her latest book, and she goes on to answer the question in a similar manner to her many previous books: Love is Jesus, but also each other, and also, sometimes, chocolate. In these varying anecdotes, the author plumbs familiar ground, including family and her church community, the adorable malaprop-prone kids in her Sunday school class, and her unhoused neighbors near her Bay Area home.

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The Fast: The History, Science, Philosophy, and Promise of Doing Without

The Fast: The History, Science, Philosophy, and Promise of Doing WithoutToo often, our society appears to be about consumption to the point of excess, even while we know that splurging and bingeing do not offer lasting fulfilment. There is another way, suggests Oakes, in this interesting book. Fasting, the decision to temporarily abstain from eating or radically reduce one’s intake of food, can bring a new appreciation of life, as long as it’s done sensibly.

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Very Short Introduction: African Religions

Book Cover - African Religions - A Very Short IntroductionWhat are African religions? African Religions: A Very Short Introduction answers this question by examining primarily indigenous religious traditions on the African continent, as well as exploring the impacts of Christianity and Islam. It focuses on the diversity of ethnic groups, languages, cultures, and worldviews, emphasising the continent’s regional diversity.

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Very Short Introduction – Spirituality

Book Cover - Spirituality - A Very Short Introduction
A Very Short Introduction: Spirituality by Philip Sheldrake
An overview of ‘What is Spirituality’, its origins, definitions, the emergence of contemporary spirituality, spiritual types in practice and attending to this day, this age: secular spirituality. Is religious spirituality in the process of being replaced? What is the value of spirituality? How do we deal with different kinds of spirituality such as Engaged Buddhism, Cyberspace and Spirituality, and the forms of mysticism? All this is examined in this small tome.

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Review: Cutting the Ties that Bind

Book Cover - Cutting the Ties that BindCutting the Ties that Bind – the work of the late Phyllis Krystal – focuses on a core method of releasing people – and their minds – from experiences, matters and issues that restrict their growth as healthy individuals. The problem Mrs Krystal addresses in some depth is the collapse of age-old puberty rituals and rites of passage into adulthood: those all-important stepping stones to human maturity. This is a most valuable work, comprehensive in its detail.

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Very Short Introduction – Jewish Literature

Book Cover - Jewish LiteratureA Very Short Introduction: Jewish Literature by IIan Stavans
The story of Jewish literature spans the globe as well as the centuries, from the marrano poets and memorialists of medieval Spain, to the sprawling Yiddish writing in Ashkenaz (the “Pale of Settlement’ in Eastern Europe), to the probing narratives of Jewish immigrants to the United States and other parts of the New World. It also examines the accounts of horror during the Holocaust, the work of Israeli authors since the creation of the Jewish State in 1948, and the “ingathering” of Jewish works in Brazil, Bulgaria, Argentina, and South Africa at the end of the twentieth century. This kaleidoscopic introduction to Jewish literature presents its subject matter as constantly changing and adapting.

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Book Notes: The Way of the Forest

The Way of the ForestJudy Carroll is an Australian who has written of her encounters with beings from higher dimensions, what some would call “extra terrestials”. Her encounters have principally been with the Zeta Reticulans, commonly known as “Greys”. Judy Carroll calls these beings her teachers. What have they come to teach? That humans are members of a galactic whole, races birthed by the love of the Source of the All. These beings teach that we are on a journey of return to the Oneness of Divinity. God is love, and our path through life ought be a Path of Peace.

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Atmasiddhi Shastra

Book cover - Atmasiddhi ShastraAtmasiddhi Shastra (Six Spiritual Truths of the Soul) is the work of Srimad Rajchandra of India. It is a simple question-and answer work that engages a conversation between a doubter and a teacher (a guru) about the nature of the soul. Rajchandra was guru to Mahatma Gandhi. The book has forewords given by the XIV Dalai Lama and the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.

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Review: For Seekers of God

The modern life has its pressures and demands. One must use the wifi – the wireless networks in order to be connected, to work, to find work, to chat with friends, to pay bills, to share photos and friendships. What of seeking for the Divine in this day and age? How do we feed our souls when modern line makes so many demands upon us? How do we even come to know about the Divine when the mind flits from one thing to another and we cannot keep it still? Here is one book, the teachings of Swami Shivananda of the Belur Monastery in Western India – he is the leader of the Ramakrishna Order and is giving guidance daily to those who seek it.

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The Forgotten Promise

The Forgotten Promise is the work of a lady who has been a UFO contactee since 1968. The Master Jalarm has shared the the Universe is literally teeming with life in the many different constellations, galaxies, universes and multiple universes. This book shows just how far back the foundation for Ascension of the Earth to the 5th and higher dimensions was laid down – and the roles humans have in this process.

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Ready Player One and Ascension

Ready Player One was released on the Easter Weekend of 2018 instead of December 2017 when it would have been released against The Last Jedi. It had a production budget of $175 million and eventually grossed $582 million worldwide. Ready Player One does a lot of things, such as 1980’s pop nostalgia, re-entry into the fantasy world of computer games and introduces the viewer to life in Virtual Reality in a way that The Matrix does not aspire to. It is an at-times challenging movie with an important message for the future of humanity. Virtual Reality is on the way.

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