555 Gateway – Lemuria

555 - Lemuria GatewayNorfolk Island: On this ancient rock in the South Pacific, a Lemurian Crystalline City of Light, a group of Guardians gathered. The potent dynamic of earth light Guardians together fulfilled our collective human destiny was coded within us as part of our soul’s contract. The actions of the Guardians strengthened the network of light all over the Earth to open portals which elevated energies of light and brought forward the return of the Lemurian Energy.

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The Eclipse and the Lemurian Gateway

555 - Lemuria GatewayAt the end of the Cosmic Consciousness Conference, there was a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. It was a bit late in the night, eclipse maximum was at 4:22am in the morning, Norfolk Island time (GMT+11). The effect of this eclipse was to empower and drive the energy of the 555 Lemurian Gateway Activation – stronger and more energetic – into our future, beyond the Chaotic Nodes.

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Exploring the 555 Lemurian Gateway

Symbol of Lemuria“The ancient symbol from Lemuria, show a pair of triangles – crossed and interwoven in the centre of two outer circles … The two triangles are enclosed within an outer circle which leaves twelve divisions between the circles. The central symbol of a smaller circle is the monotheistic symbol of the Deity; the triangles of heaven and the outer circle; the Universe. (Jalarm)

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Water and Animals – Fish – Insects moving in circles

Sheep moving in circlesIn recent days, several videos have been circulating on the internet, where different species of animals can be seen acting in strange ways. Groups of horses, ants, and even orcas are being seen going around in perfect circles for several days without apparent reason.

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The Golden Age

The Golden AgeMany speak of the coming of the higher dimensions, the 5th Dimension. For some, it is the great restoration to a time before the Fall of Atlantis. Others call it the Age of Aquarius, others say it is the Golden Age, and some others tell it is the Return of the Light. Whatever the name, the recognition is in the heart: a return to an era of peace and harmony, wherein people will live with harmony and love; and there will be discussion and debate instead of discord and war.

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Holograms of Light; Negative Holograms

Spirituality and Holograms

Spirituality and HologramsLife is Light. So long as there is Light there is life. We have experience of this phenomenal world, it is created a mass hologram by the thoughts, words and actions of those taking birth. The light is within; manipulating the light without are the bad news bearers who create holograms of despair, hopelessness, abominations and destruction. The Light within us – the human is the HUE-man – the One imbued with the Light of the Source of the ALL can conquer this darkness, these negative holograms.

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Virtual Reality and Ready Player One

Ready Player One – a science fiction adventure book with film adaptation – hints at a future that many are immersing themselves in – with technology – now. The film adaptation does a lot of things, such as 1980’s pop nostalgia, re-entry into the fantasy world of computer games and introduces the viewer to life in Virtual Reality in a way that The Matrix does not aspire to. It is an at-times challenging movie with an important message for the future of humanity. Virtual Reality is on the way.

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Peace and the Androgynous, the Transgender

Trans in SportThis is a time which may appear as a time of great darkness upon Earth. Whatever it may appear as, we have to remember that there is only atma in this world and the mind that we are born with sees only illusion. Moreover, our reactions to what is moving in front of us in the stream of illusion elicits reactions from us. It is meet and fitting to remember to be the witness, whatever the media presents. In this talk, we look to androgynous – transgender children, youth and adults.

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Astrology notes: Planets in Pisces ~ Varuna Peyarchi

Lord VarunaFrom late March 2022 up to the next full moon (Easter day) there are a number of astrological events occurring to which we seek to draw your attention. The New Moon in Pisces is Lunar New Year; when the Sun enters Aries, it will be Solar New Year. In that time (and after) several planets change signs including the outer planet Neptune, who will be in step with Jupiter for their ingress to Pisces.

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Karma, Incumbrances and Ascension

Karma, Incumbrances and AscensionCosmic Sai Baba has always said that everyone is a God being. So if you think of that – it might be a little hard sometimes because of incumbrances that are still in the body that exist from other teachings or beliefs from other times – or even in this lifetime. They could let all that go. Everyone on this Earth at this time can move forward. And they have all agreed to come, to help one another.

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Letting things flow

Letting things flowThe news bulletins are full of Covid-19 and little else – except, perhaps, the sport results. When many are unable to get tested, feel insecure, and feel the energy of inevitable succumbing to this virus all around them – the Hierarchy comes with a message. Ask for help. Access your higher consciousness and raise your energy-frequency-vibration. Let things flow. Descent into negativity does not help you nor anyone else. Help everyone by accessing your higher consciousness. Let things flow: be in your personal flow of higher energy-frequency-vibration, and so be an aide to all that is.

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Total Solar Eclipse: December 4, 2021

Solar EclipseFollowing on from the Partial Lunar Eclipse of November 18-19, we have a Total Solar Eclipse on December 4th (or 5th, depending on your location). Weather permitting, this eclipse will be visible in the southern parts of Australia, South in Africa, South in South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and all of Antarctica.

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Grounding with the Light

Grounding with the LightFor some, Ascension (and its physical comparts) can be a troublesome time. Here, a short visualisation is offered. This offering comes from the future. If you know of the Wingmakers, of you know of Andromeda Val, then you will know of the Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light, who are the bringers of this message. It is important to know – and integrate – that we are not alone, that we are always receiving help from the people from the stars! The Starpeople.

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