The November 2018 Full Moon occurs late afternoon of 23 November 2018 – in the Southern Hemisphere. It is a time of intensity and spiritual challenges. These challenges lead to the human transformation in the process we call Ascension.
Spirituality and the human
The November 2018 Full Moon occurs late afternoon of 23 November 2018 – in the Southern Hemisphere. It is a time of intensity and spiritual challenges. These challenges lead to the human transformation in the process we call Ascension.
The Forgotten Promise is the work of a lady who has been a UFO contactee since 1968. The Master Jalarm has shared the the Universe is literally teeming with life in the many different constellations, galaxies, universes and multiple universes. This book shows just how far back the foundation for Ascension of the Earth to the 5th and higher dimensions was laid down – and the roles humans have in this process.