Conversations with the Master: Three Masters in a Cave

An element of spiritual effort, spiritual progress is daily spiritual reading. It can be of any spiritual matter, and the Master tells, if we ask, we will be led to the books that aid our forward spiritual progress. We are prompted to read, we obtain intuitions and impressions. An idea is floated around us, and we pick up on it. In this episode, our narrator follows an intuition and has a great discovery thereafter. A conversation with the Master follows.

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Simple Spirituality

Spirituality doesn’t require you to believe anything. Rather, spirituality constantly invites you to notice your experience. Your personal experience becomes your authority rather than anything someone else has told you. The task of religion is to provide you with a spiritual foundation, not to control you. Spirituality is what works for you, that is, what gives you a constant sense of the nearness of the Divine in your life.

Human beings are hardwired to seek the Truth. We have a searchlight poking out from our hearts, a direction lamp, and this is pointed to Home… the home of the Divine. So we can say that spiritual practice imparts an awareness within you of what will bring you peace, and what will not bring peace. This little, simple book delivers a powerful impact.

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Sacred Connections

West Australian born Viveka received a message to help with the energy grids around the Earth, during the time leading up to the precession of the Equinoxes and the end of the age of Kali and the beginning of the new age, what is sometimes called the “Golden Age”, “Sathya Yuga”, or the New Age which came with the solstice of 21 December 2012. This book is the narrative of Viveka’s journeys around Australia and the world, to undertake the sacred Merkabah meditation and strengthen the Earth’s energy grids.

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I, Observer

I, Observer is the narrative of the survivors of the Mothership Rexegena, when it came to Earth, their lives, struggles and adventures. It is an excellent story written from many points of view (mainly young ones and children, and Ishy the Ishnaan) which illustrates how the starpeople came and helped the hairy-upstanding-ape to evolve from Man to Hue-man, one one with the Crystal Light – or Christ Light – within.

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Summer Solstice at Uluru, Australia

The Summer Solstice is coming, and coming at the time when the light coming into the world – the coming of light at Christmas, the coming of light for Deepavali – Diwali, and the celebration of light at Hanukkah. Two years ago, at the time of solstice, the light grids were raised around the Earth and more light energies flowed to Earth from the Central Sun of our Universe. This solstice marks this coming of light and provides further opportunity to integrate the raising of personal and world-wide energies into the 5th Dimension. We begin this note by observing the solstice timing from Uluru, one of the main light centres on this Earth.

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