Conversations with the Master: Learning Humility

The Master tells that there is no spiritual progress, no spiritual development without humility. Humility before the Master takes many forms and feelings – as we have shared before, this world is light. As God is Light, as The Master is self-effulgent Light – humility takes shape and form before our family, friends, co-workers, neighbours, strangers, so-called experts, so-called spiritual leaders and Masters, many of whom are fakes and seek to belittle us in front of others in order to protect themselves. saranagatha is the Sanskrit word; when all is surrendered up to God, there is no self left to be apart from God.

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The ‘almost-eclipse’ and Earth Honouring

Looking to the trio of eclipses during August-September of 2016, we note several important issues having some impact during this period. Saturn will station and turn direct on the day of the August eclipse. The Sun will also change signs and move into Leo on the day before the August eclipse and will be at strength. Jupiter has moved into Virgo and Mercury gets ready to change signs. The stage is set for the “non-visible” eclipse of August 18.

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Conversations with the Master: A Few Essential Words from the Master Before Meditation

The Master takes you, Dear Reader, along the steps to Love in Action with pure love. It is an intimacy which guides you each and every step of the way towards the Loving Divinity itself, with the care, guidance, and loving correction of every mother and father who has had a child, raised a family, and set their children along the path of life aright. We take steps with humility, the Master explains.

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Conversations with the Master: The Author Speaks

The Master indicates that it is time to move on to the next book, “Love in Action”. Here, the Master takes over and speaks of the Journey of Love to Love in Love. Is such a journey possible? The Master will take you in his arms, with pure love, and protect you with his loving gaze, right into your eyes, every iota of the journey, every breath, every step. The Master. Pure Love.

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