Ganesha Chaturthi is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Lord Ganesha. Although there are contradictory views on the birth anniversary of Lord Ganesha, most people celebrate it on Shukla Chaturthi during Bhadrapada lunar month and the day is popularly known as Ganesha Chaturthi.
On Vinayaka Chaturthi day, students place books in front of the Ganesa idol and offer worship. They pray to the deity to illumine their minds. Hence Ganesa is known as “Buddhi Pradayaka“, one who grants intelligence.
All the sacred festivals celebrated by devotees are full of significance spiritually and socially. Every festival is regarded as a holy event surcharged with divinity. On such a holy day, each house is cleaned up, everybody takes a sacred bath to purify the body, special pujas are performed, coconut is offered to the deity and prayers are offered during the day.