International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

25 November every year is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Violence against women and girls remains one of the most prevalent and pervasive human rights violations in the world. Globally, almost one in three women have been subjected to physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both, at least once in their life.

For at least 51,100 women in 2023, the cycle of gender-based violence ended with one final and brutal act—their murder by partners and family members. That means a woman was killed every 10 minutes.

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Barriers to ‘I’ Awareness

There are many people in our lives – some we are friends with and some we do not treat as friends. The Master is all Love, pure love. How, then, do we love those who have hurt us, who have put us down, who have harmed us in any way? Love is everything. Our mission has begun, our Mission is Love. How, then, do we love everyone? We are told, Love All – Serve All. Read what the Master gives in meditation.

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Why is God Allowing so Much Distress to Happen on Earth?

Today’s world does not suit you. In your way of thinking it is logical then that you blame Divinity or you deny its existence altogether. This is based on falsehood. You do not take into account the fact that it is you who create the world. It assumes shape according to your desires. If they are destructive desires, far removed from goodness and love, in time you face the consequences. Then you look for the guilty ones outside — always outside. The truth is that you alone determine shape of the world.

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Behind the Curtain of Death

Many, many people ask, “What is on the other side of death?” The Master replies, “Notice that until now, death and dying have been a taboo subject in your culture. The most important cause of this situation is fear, only fear. Wake up, begin to think and search for yourselves. Do not base your life on somebody else’s theories or their fear.” So begins a far-ranging discussion on life after death, and a surprising promise from the Master!

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Reading Holy Books

The question arises about the value of reading holy books. What can we get out of them, what purpose do they serve? Do we consult the Master, our Friend, first before reading? Do we seek the opinion of the Master as to what we should read, HOW we should read, and what personal transformation should come from our reading? The Master, your Friend, stands ready to guide you at all times.

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Love is the Heart of Religion

Once upon a time, when the Source took human form, a divine discourse was given. At the end of that discourse, there was a lull in the proceedings. Source returned to the podium, to the microphone and told, “I am a devotee! I am a devotee of all those who are devoted to Me!” Imagine, that this very somebody is just next to you and is ready to present you with His love and everything that He’s got available.

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Vision of God

This world is light. Due many births, we build, create and empower illusions that make this world appear as it is. This has been reinforced many times. It us up to ourselves to seek Love, for Love is God, and God waits for us patiently, that we might see the Love and Light that God truly is. There are universal laws – yes – and there is karma, but their is also Love, and when we turn to God with Love for God, we have Vision of God.

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Listen, Listen, Listen

Religion was originally tasked with providing its adherents with a personal connection to the Divine. Fear of the Divine was introduced, along with adherence to doctrine and dogma, which brought up the notion of “the faith“. The real purpose of “the faith” was to connect people to the Divine – in their practice. Divinity is the present. Find it. It is here and is waiting for you.

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Should we Make Parents, Society and God Happy?

Billions live on Earth at this time. For each birth, there is sufficient food. How many live their lives with goodness, beauty and truth? We may not know about others, but we can certainly fill our own lives with these qualities. Should we keep other people happy? Should we make God happy with what we do? Are we meant to spend our lives pleasing others we like and avoiding others we judge to fail the integrity test? The Master has some words of advice for us all.

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Janma: First Meditation – Closeness of the Creator

If you want God, if you want the Creator, if you want direct experience of the Source, then you have to turn to God with Love for God who is ALL LOVE. In this book, the Master (Creator of the ALL, The Source, God, Jesus, Buddha, Rama, Mary, Lakshmi, Holy Ghost – whatever name and form you are comfortable with) tells how to experience this love directly. There is no medium, no book, no ritual, no candle, no injunction, no restriction: you turn to God directly, within. He is there, he is always there, he is always there with Love, Love, Love. He is closer to you than the eyelid is to the eye. Try it for yourself. And do you know the Agony of The Source? So few, so very few, turn to God to see what love is there for them.

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Some words from The Master

Matters progress. The Master gives an instruction, “More of Me, less of you”. In word, thought, action, there is a call for The Master and his love to flow through, like an electric current. We take up the words of the Master, and follow with some more from the Master, as and when he directs.

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Meditation in time of Coronavirus: Getting Close to Love

sphere of light

The time of coronavirus elicits reaction: due mystery spread – unaccountable contact with the virus – there can be trepidation, concern, worry, fear. How does one go about their daily business? How do you get food and water? How do you care for your children, your family, your parents, your dependent friends and neighbours? You know someone who is aged and gets home help? What is happening for them? Are they getting meals, the proper care? These and other questions flood our minds in this time of coronavirus.

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. We admit – as a human race – that we all have souls. The International Distress Signal is “Save our Souls“. What is it we can do to save our souls, save our minds from fear and worry in these dreadful times of plague all over the world, sickness, and death. What can we do for those health-carers, medical front-line staff who are selflessly rendering care to those who are infected?

The answer is we can take time; we can take time to not haste, waste and worry. We can take time to remember we are spiritual beings and get in touch with our own spirit, that spiritual part of us that floods our world with transcendent love. Here we bring you a meditation – for you to take time, and nurture your soul, your spirit, your well-being. In so doing, you give light and love to all on Earth.

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Love in Action

Master, the following question has come to my mind: I have the impression that You often ask and recommend certain actions, but You do not give commands. Why is that so?

You have touched on one of Mysteries of Creation, here.

Because of who I am, my commands get fulfilled instantly. So, there is no need for passing them on paper in a book.

This book is a help for you – a helping hand extended in a way you are able to receive.

In this world God asks you for a turn towards Him, towards His love, because this is the way it was earlier conceived and is being executed. In other words, such a Divine Plan we are implementing now and there is no need to abandon it. Obviously other Plans exist and they have different ways of execution and different realities. Our plan is as it is and this is both good and beautiful. Pressure and commands on my part would disrupt its superb and elaborate construction. And in this Scene I am the one who stays in the shade.

Come and stay in it along with me.

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