Green Saints for a Green Generation

Green Saints for a Green Generation - Book CoverYoung scientists, sisters, and theologians of the “green generation” reflect on “saints”, canonised and not, who offer hope and inspire us towards ecological action. “In the community of saints, all together are companions in memory and hope. Together, all together, they are becoming something strange and growing and great, instruments of change. Green Saints for a Green Generation taps beautifully into this dynamic for the sake of our suffering Earth, which cries out for no less”.

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Are plant-based burgers really bad for your heart? Here’s what’s behind the scary headlines

Plant based burgerSo does eating supermarket plant-based burgers and other plant-based, ultra-processed foods really put you at greater risk of heart disease, stroke and premature death? Here’s what prompted the research and what the study actually found.

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Pope Francis explains the Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change

Pope Francis - the Joint Appeal (Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change)The Interfaith Declaration on Climate Change for COP 26 – called the Joint Appeal – was signed by over 40 religious leaders of the World’s Religions in the Vatican on October 4, 2021. At this event, Pope Francis gave a short talk wherein he identified our common humanity living on our common home. Pope Francis took up three themes in his address: openness to interdependence and sharing, the dynamism of love and the call to respect.

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Lifestyle change and system change are two sides of the same coin

Climate Outreach Logo

Climate change is everyone’s problem, but who should do something about it? Individuals changing their lifestyles, or governments leading the way?

Too often, lifestyle change is seen as somehow separate from system change, and not as important. But we need both, and they are deeply connected.

Lifestyle change and system change are two sides of the same coin.

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The Solstice Ceremony and Conjunction at Uluru

UluruMany peoples from all walks of consciousness raising and light work anticipated that the Solstice of 21 December 2020 and the following Great Conjunction were world-altering events. The dawn of a shift, a raising of consciousness to a higher dimension. Add to that mix the story of a Great Ritual to be completed at Uluru (Ayers Rock – in the Heart of Australia) by the indigenous peoples turned much attention to these times and these events. What follows is a personal account of attendance at Uluru from 19 December 2020 along with some reflections on The Shift.

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21 December 2020: The Great Conjunction

Meditation and the Flower of LifeMany persons – Light-workers, Spiritual guides, Astronomers and Astrologers have given out prognostications about the forthcoming Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on the day of solstice, 2020. We have provided some observations about the so-called advance warnings, and some observations based on vedic astrology. We now include the general topic of Ascension into matters surrounding this event.

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Saving our Planet – A Communications Challenge


Forests have a key role to play in helping to achieve many of the Sustainable Development Goals, from mitigating climate change by acting carbon sinks to providing food, livelihoods, fuel, shelter, and clean water.

We need to improve understanding of the sustainable use of forests for diverse purposes not only for the benefit of billions of people, including some of the world’s most vulnerable, but also as an elemental means of protecting forests themselves.

As the world focuses on building back better in the aftermath of COVID-19, this communication challenge is more pressing than ever.

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A Time of Great Service: raise the Energy-Frequency-Vibration of ALL

vesica piscis

In a time of lockdowns and deprivation of freedom;
In a time of hospitals overflowing with coronavirus patients;
In a time of the aged on ventilators struggling to recover;
In a time of deaths from a pandemic;
In a time of children missing school;
In a time of businesses closed;
In a time of employment lost;
In a time of economic struggle for food and a roof over the family;
It is a time of thoughts of goodwill and kindness;
It is a time of thoughts of understanding and love;
It is a time of service to all on Earth;
It is a time of holding the signature of love and light!

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The Planets and Coronavirus

Planet JupiterOn this day, in these times of Coronavirus, an important transit has occurred: Jupiter has moved from Sagittarius to Capricorn, which will have significant impact on how this virus is progressing worldwide. Jupiter is a multiplier, an expander; we will see a conjunction which will build resilience, and Jupiter will EXPAND THAT RESILIENCE.

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Spirituality, Human Purpose and the Coronavirus

Yin YangThe novel coronavirus has captured attention and garnered responses – both positive and negative – around the world in every nation that is affected. Perhaps the only places not to be affected might be the Arctic and Antarctic. We look to spiritual responses to the coronavirus, and to a channelled message reminding us of the nature of the Source and human purpose and how we engage with Source energy.

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Cosmic Consciousness Conference, Uluru 2020

Cosmic Consciousness Conference, Uluru 2020

The Cosmic Consciousness Conference 2020 was held at Uluru, 11-13 January 2020. The Yulara resort was home to many, many lightworkers who came to see in the new decade and participate in the transformation energies of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and complete an ancient umbilical cord ceremony interrupted may aeons ago. What follows are notes from the conference.

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A Cirrus Arc and the channelled Message

cloudarc by nasa satelliteNASA circulates satellite photographs – and often images of great storms and typhoons on the Earth’s surface. A recent storm photo recalled a message channelled via Judy Carroll, by one Maris who speaks of the yin-yang balance on Earth (and miserable lack thereof) and how Mother Earth is trying to compensate with global heating by producing cold weather. We include both articles for your reading.

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An Urgent Message from the Guardians of Planet Earth.

Guardians of the EarthThe Creative Source of The All – that is, all Universes, all forms of life and ALL-EMBRACING-LOVE-ITSELF- has many sentinels who serve and pass on the simple message that life is love and the goal of life is merger with this all-embracing-love-itself. Due a cyclic phenomenon, and the advance of the 26,000 year cycle of the Earth’s progression we are about to enter into a wave of Ascension energy, reaching Earth herself. However, there is a bund of negative energy surrounding Earth and all who live upon her. The Guardians of the Earth – the WATCHERS and others – seek our help with this bund of negativity. You may give your assistance to Ascension itself:

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Photograph lays bare reality of melting Greenland sea ice

dogs dragging sleds over melted fjord
A team from the Danish Meteorological Institute travels across the melted sea ice to retrieve equipment. Photograph: Steffen M Olsen/Twitter
Rapidly melting sea ice in Greenland has presented an unusual hazard for research teams retrieving their oceanographic moorings and weather station equipment.

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