Ganga Jayanti

Birth of Mother GangaGanga Saptami, the birthday of the Vedic goddess Sri Mata Ganga-ji, will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 26 in North and South America, and on Thursday April 27 in India and the rest of the world. This event is also called Ganga Jayanti. Every year, Sri Mata Ganga-ji is worshiped at noon on the seventh day of the waxing Moon (saptami tithi) in the Vaisakha month (which is the Vedic lunar month that extends from April 20 to May 20). Offerings and charity are also provided on this day.

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Very Short Introduction: African Religions

Book Cover - African Religions - A Very Short IntroductionWhat are African religions? African Religions: A Very Short Introduction answers this question by examining primarily indigenous religious traditions on the African continent, as well as exploring the impacts of Christianity and Islam. It focuses on the diversity of ethnic groups, languages, cultures, and worldviews, emphasising the continent’s regional diversity.

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