The Falco Novels cover a wide range of human behaviour. All behaviour is values-driven. After all, people, usually seek their own good, their own ends. Look after Number 1 would be a common value held by many people. Giving to the poor and charity would be another value held by others.
Human Values in Novels
Human Values are innate within every human being. Values are attitudes, dispositions, behaviours and guides to action. Human Values are those which give expression to the highest qualities of human life. They under-gird human life, protect life, sustain life, and direct it towards its proper goal, true humanness. The fruit of a life lived with Human Values is satisfaction, peace and tolerance in every compartment of life. We will make some observations in issues in these novels, particularly as they touch on universal issues from time to time.
I have enjoyed reading the Falco series of novels. Delightfully, my reading is as yet incomplete! I am reviewing these novels as I read them, and then making observations on the various participants, their character, actions and guiding values. I enjoy this work of delineating the character of those who walk across the stage in these excellent whodunnit novels, scribed by Lindsey Davis. Some would call these historical fiction. Certainly they recall the world of Roman times quite vividly, and there are frequent descriptions and comments by the dramatis personae which throwaway a startling periscope into Falco’s times.
Looking at Values in the Falco Novels
Money, money, money!
Money is class. Indeed, to be in some Roman classes depends on the wealth one has, just as we know from Falco’s lamented social status. Even so, Senators qualify by having property valued at over a million sesterces; Falco needs 400,000 sesterces to make a decent woman of Helena Justina.
Need for money and money buying class has not changed. Indeed, in the modern world, money buys access to the mod cons and luxuries of life. Many think that Having money will make me happy. All my wishes and desires will be satisfied, and I will be happy. Certainly a common motivation held by millions, if not BILLIONS. Living to make money. Can’t do anything without money would be a common thought, held by many.
In Venus in Copper, Lindsey Davis weaves the rental markets, condominiums, and the behaviour of property moguls into the narrative. Read about the values held by some of the property moguls in Venus in Copper. Click this link to go to the reflections on property wealth and money in Venus in Copper. –>Link.
As with anyone who gets involved in a relationship, they come to know their partner’s family. The early Falco novels are a journey of discovery for Helena Justina, who relates well to Junilla Tacita, (Falco’s mother) and most of his sisters. And then there is the torturous relationship between Falco and his father Geminius.
We also take a look at Falco, his family, and his business, and compare with other families depicted, along with the general functions of family. Read Falco, Family and Business.
Family is a subject of much study and the object of a lot of attention in many societies. Children are our future, and so the family must be supported, encouraged, protected and given the primary status in society. Not politicians, government, the economy, sports, crime, or the modern bop. It is a sober reflection that the family is the only unit in society based on need. We structure our welfare, our values, our love and protection around the family. Read about the nature of family, and human values in the family, by clicking this –>link.
Love! That many splendoured thing wherein all seek it, within-without, where-ever, whenever. We will look at love in the Falco Novels, and the love between Marcus Didius and Helena
Truth is what we speak,
Right Conduct is what we practise,
Love is what we live,
Peace is what we give,
Non-violence is the fruit.