At the present time, we have four planets in Leo, and Sun will join shortly. Venus will move to a much cooler environment in Virgo. As a sign that matters are heating up, the United Nations Climate Change working party have released their latest report, telling that humanity has to take action on climate change. We look to the planets.
This is California’s Dixie Fire.
On August 4, 2021, an astronaut on the International Space Station shot a photo of the Dixie fire’s thick smoke plume (top).
Some of the key effects in the July 6 climate change report include:
- human influence has warmed the climate system;
- widespread and rapid changes in the climate have occurred;
- the scale of these recent changes is unprecedented over many centuries to many thousands of years;
- with further global warming, every region is projected to experience changes, with extremes, such as heavy precipitation, becoming greater in frequency and intensity;
- global surface temperature will continue to increase until at least the mid-century under all emissions scenarios considered;
- unless there are deep reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the coming decades, 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century; and
- the effects of strong, rapid, and sustained emission reductions in terms of global surface temperature trends will begin to emerge after around 20 years.
The planets tell us it is hot in a lot of places in the world now, with raging fires wreaking havoc and causing wide-ranging smoke and unhealthy air quality. The primary planetary signature now is of the Fire element too … with Venus-Mars-Mercury-Moon in Leo today, and Uranus (outer planet) in Aries. Venus will move into much cooler Virgo on August 11, but after that, the Sun will enter Leo on August 16.
Mercury is transiting in sidereal Leo from August 8-25. Here the energy can be bright-minded, creative, and confident, but it can also indicate nervous system stress and aggravation, and this is especially so as Saturn is transiting with the potential for danger, property damage, as well as health imbalances from the Fire and Air elements being so out of harmony with each other.
Additionally, Mars in Leo is aspecting fiery Ketu in Scorpio (recall the rule Kuja vat Ketu, Ketu behaves like Mars), and Mercury conjoins Mars in fiery Leo within an effective orb from now until August 23, so we need to mind the mind, cultivate patience and ease, and make sure to cool and calm the physical body and the chitta (the consciousness. For those of you that have any planets in Taurus, or Taurus rising, Rahu is there, (and in the navamsha, conjunct Saturn retrograde) causing the mind to be poisoned against those whom you care for. Taurus is a fixed sign, resolving this will require meditation, prayer, sacrifice of time, talents and resources.
Breath work is helpful for this. Here is a simple, breathing meditation to let the Light of the Great Central Sun come through the physical Sun into your being.
Here is a process for it:
Take a crystal that is of a clear nature, such as a clear quartz crystal, and let the sun rays shine through it. Sit with this Light and bathe in it…
If you don’t have a crystal, imagine one. … (I do every morning…)
Breathe it into every cell of your body…
Connect upwards to your I AM Presence…
Then, connect upwards to your physical sun…
Then, connect upwards to the Great Central Sun…
Feel the energies flowing down from the Great Central Sun, through the physical sun, through your I AM Presence into your body, heart and aura…
Let this Light raise your vibrational frequencies…
Let this Light expand from your heart centre into your world…
When you feel complete, return your awareness to the space that you’re in.
Welcome back!
Let’s all work on staying cool on all levels…This Leo/Fire energy needs an outlet in physical activity…also, in warm engagement with others…and through creative expression, so perhaps this can be helpful guidance for some of us.
We have been told that the Coronavirus is going to be with humanity for a little while longer. We can pray the Agni Gayatri for relief from the furnace of planets in Leo, and from the furnace of humanity that is the Covid-19 pandemic. We may also offer this mantra for the welfare of the world, Loka Sevanam, that all nations come together in harmony, cooperation and understanding and supply needful solutions for the climate.
Om Maha jwalaya Vidmahe
Agni devaya Dheemahe
Tanno Agni Prachodayat
For those who know the purpose behind their birth, life is the gateway to freedom. Such people are not attached to the body, mind, senses, and worldly possessions. They know these are merely tools to achieve the goal of life, not goals themselves. They use these tools wisely and leave them behind when they are no longer needed. This is the way of yogis.
The followoing from the IPCC July 6 meeting provides a story of the climate from the past to the future,” and this story is alarming:
- human influence has warmed the climate system;
- widespread and rapid changes in the climate have occurred;
- the scale of these recent changes is unprecedented over many centuries to many thousands of years;
- with further global warming, every region is projected to experience changes, with extremes, such as heavy precipitation, becoming greater in frequency and intensity;
- many changes due to past and future greenhouse gas emissions are irreversible for centuries to millennia, especially changes in the ocean, ice sheets, and global sea level;
- global surface temperature will continue to increase until at least the mid-century under all emissions scenarios considered;
- unless there are deep reductions in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in the coming decades, 1.5°C and 2°C will be exceeded during the 21st century;
- from a physical science perspective, limiting human-induced global warming to a specific level requires reaching at least net-zero CO2 emissions and strong reductions in other GHG emissions; and
- the effects of strong, rapid, and sustained emission reductions in terms of global surface temperature trends will begin to emerge after around 20 years.
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