>The Full Moon after the vernal equinox is the occasion for many religious festivals in the world’s faiths. It is also a time of many planets changing signs. It is a time when planets that are sandi – on border between signs – do not give full energy nor aspect. It is a time that presents some opportunity to respond to challenges.
April Full Moon – after the Vernal Equinox
This year, this April Full Moon marks several sacred festivals and New Year Observances. For the Sikhs, it is Vaisakhi and Khalsa Foundation Day. For the Tamils and Keralites, it is Vishu and Tamil New Year. For the Jains, it is the occasion of Mahavir Jayanti. For Christians, Good Friday is the Friday after this Full Moon. This is also the day the Jewish Passover commences. Theravadin New Year is observed on 16 April, as is Hanuman Jayanti. There is Lazarus Saturday in Orthodox Christianity and Sunday 17 April – the day of Full Moon – is Easter, the Christian festival of the Resurrection of Jesus.
Preceeding the Full Moon have been many planetary events: Jupiter and Neptune were conjunct in Aquarius; Saturn and Mars separated (the planetary war is over), and Mars moved to Aquarius. On 14 April, three days before the Full Moon, the Sun moved into Aries, marking the Solar New Year. On 19 April, Neptune (outer planet, ruled by Varuna) moves to Pisces and Saturn is sandi that day, preparing to move to Aquarius. On 24 April, a most welcome event: Mercury transits Rahu in Aries, and breaks the long cycle of Kaal Sarp Yoga we have endured. Thank you Mercury!
The Full Moon
This month’s Full Moon comes on Easter day, the day of resurrection. The Full Moon is in Libra, at this time, the 8th house, ruled by Venus. While the Moon has no enemies, Venus regards the Moon as enemy, so an uncomfortable time. Uncomfortable for who? The Moon is the presiding deity of the mind; “chandrama manaso jaathah“, (out of the Mind of the Purusha, [Godhead] the Moon was born). There is a close affinity between the manas (mind) and the Moon; both are subject to decline and progress. Where there is no mind management, there you find suffering and the vagaries of the mind.
The mind is a bundle of thoughts. When the thoughts and resolutions are controlled, it will be clean, like a placid lake.
This Full Moon is conjunct Ketu. This is in the Rahu-Ketu axis, so an affliction to the Moon. Another affliction is the aspect of Saturn (10th drishti). There is potential for emotional disorientation at the time of full Moon, and a collapse of boundaries within. There may be an overt familiarity with others that is both caring and apathetic at the same time. The aspect from Saturn is a reminder of duty and responsibilities; Ketu – in an Air sign (Libra) – brings in the aura of being disconnected and disoriented. The Full Moon is vargottama (in the same sign in both the main chart and the navamsa) which renders strength to the Moon in overcoming weaknesses. There is a clear value in self-discipline and having a tidy mind.
The Sun opposes Moon in Aries. While the Sun is exalted in Aries, it is not out of the gandanta portion of Aries (1st 3°) so somewhat restrained and knotted. The Sun is exalted at 10° of Aries, and at this time, afflicted as it is in the Rahu Ketu axis. Mercury is also present in Aries, and is exalted in the navamsa chart. The Sun is also vargottama – for it is in Aries in the navamsa chart, with no afflicting planets. While the Sun is captured in the end of the gandanta portion of Aries, it remains weak, and as the Sun is signifier of personality, the soul, leadership and vitality, care needs to be taken – in decisions, in choices, in spending of energy. Where the Moon indicates a collapse of boundaries, we need to manage our boundaries with this weakened Sun.
In the first house, we have Jupiter in Pisces: Jupiter is also very weak at 00:44, so while in dignity and expansive and promising uplifting times all around, there is not a lot of energy at the time of Full Moon. Jupiter is in his own sign, and his own nakshatra, aspected by a weak Saturn. Jupiter in Pisces brings you a cornucopia of meditation, prayerful reflection, empowers discernment of spirits. One may receive spiritual guidance via dreams, impressions, patterns, and teachings. A welcome sign for Jupiter, and Jupiter should get into strength quickly after the Full Moon.
In the twelfth house we have Venus conjunct Mars in the sign of Saturn, Aquarius. Venus and Mars are neutral to one another, and the planetary war has passed. Venus is friends with Saturn, so a comfortable transit for Venus. Venus will grant public dignity, social respect, respect for social boundaries. Venus here is diplomatic, polite and acquires street cred for all its social respectability.
On the other hand, Mars in the 12th house is having an uncomfortable time, as Mars and Saturn, Lord of Aquarius, do not get on. Friction! Air sign! Mars in Rahu nakshatra! Sani vat Rahu rule applies: Mars will have unpleasant influences, restrictions, riling up against the bulwarks of lawful duty, planning ideas into action properly, both feet on the ground, well and truly held back by the reigns of do it properly, get it right the first time. No bolting out of the gate for Mars.
In the 11th house, we find Saturn, in his own sign, on the sandi margin, so weak and deprived of energy. Saturn has had quite the time here, presenting lawful duty, structures, boundaries, responsibilities in the public domain. Management of the pandemic restrictions with lockdowns, masks, close contacts, vaccination mandates have all been Saturn-inspired and ruled. Saturn will send a weak aspect to Jupiter until he changes signs, late April, just before the Solar eclipse. Other aspects of Saturn are to Cancer and to Moon. Saturn’s aspect on Moon is the 10th dristhi and at some minor strength. While the Moon is vagottama and has additional strength, there will be some experience of restriction: pomp and circumstance, law and order, conservative tradition, status, all quickly delivered to the air sign: Libra.
The Navamsa Chart
The Navamsa chart has relevance for those who have completed the first two ashrama’s of life. Thereafter, in retirement, the Navamsa is more relevant. We find the Ascendant, Mars and Saturn all there in Virgo, the sign of Mars. Saturn is friends with Mercury, Mercury is neutral to Saturn. Planets in the first house will have impact on personality. Logic will prevail, there will be planning (and stockpiling resources for contingencies), scenario evaluation, like this. Saturn brings in fixed resistance to that which has been offered as guidance, and absolutely fixed denial of samskaras that have been presented. There will be dissatisfaction, disagreement and blame of others. Looking for errors and someone to blame will be presented logically.
This is a learning situation: what goes around comes around. Vasana and samskara come with the mind and Atma to the new body. We have to work on our own stuff and anything that pushes our buttons. The Navamsa presents us – at the right time – with the issues we must resolve in order to have peace: peace within ourselves and peace with others. This Full Moon will bring challenges.
The Full Moon is in Libra, vargottama with the Moon in the main chart. It is in a kendra from Jupiter, so some grace and favour from Jupiter at this time. The Moon is in a Jupiter nakshatra that from time to time, produces the tendency to cause quarrels. Fortunately, the Moon is not afflicted by the Rahu-Ketu axis, so no real affliction to the mind; the grace and favour of the Jupiter aspect (gaja kesari yoga) can point one to the practice of dharma. Dharmasamstaphana (fostering of dharma) is our purpose in our human lives.
Mars and Rahu occupy Sagittarius in the Navamsa. It is a fire sign, a kendra, and Mars is in the Mula nakshatra, the place where the Source energy of creation – maintenance – destruction emerges to all the worlds. With the unwelcome attention and affliction of the Rahu-Ketu axis, it is meet and fitting for Mars to moderate the aggression, tone the rhetoric down and speak with sweetness. Mars can feel like being in a rut, and likes to force things, force matters to be exposed, or concluded. There is no grey area for Mars here, it is open and shut. Tolerance is a good practice for Mars in this sign.
We take a look at the Sun at this time of Full Moon. The Sun is vargottama (in the same sign in the main chart and navamsa charts) in Aries, a fire sign, exaltation for the Sun, and ruled by Mars. Here, the Sun is exuberant and spreading confidence all round. As this is the navamsa, and the older years provide one with a perspective, there can be radically new ideas, new social activity, new territories to explore. It is also a place of secret information for Sun, hidden wealth, confidential information. Personality can be strong, confidences can be kept with the aid of Yama whose contribution to Bharani nakshatra is purity, cleanliness, justice and integrity. Whatever information is held in secret is held with integrity.
The (partial) Solar Eclipse
There are four eclipses in 2022: these relate to the positions of the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu. The first set of Aries-Libra eclipses will occur April 30 (Rahu solar partial eclipse in Aries) and May 16 (Ketu total lunar eclipse in Libra-Scorpio). The next set will be on October 25 (solar partial eclipse in Libra) and November 8, 2022 (total lunar eclipse in Aries) The forthcoming partial Lunar Eclipse is visible from southern South America, parts of Antarctica, and over the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. More specifically, this is visible in Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina – all partial. Southern Chile will have 100% visibility of this partial eclipse. Remainder of 100% visibility is over water between Chile and Antarctica (which will have a reduced visibility). Mostly over water. Night will follow this eclipse shortly after.

Full Moon Meditation
Full Moons are times when strong and plentiful energy floods the Earth. This energy, directed by the Full Moon – may be taken and used for benefit. Hence, the Hierarchy offer us the choice to harness energies for planetary benefit by doing group meditation and directing energy in the form of love, light or healing, wherever there is a need. The need is found in Ukraine, where there is ongoing conflict; the need is found in Ethiopia with the civil war. The need is found in Afghanistan where there is a lack of food. The need is found in South Sudan, DR Congo and Nigeria, places of conflict and resistance groups. There is need and human suffering in refugee camps in Syria, Sahel, Yemen, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Venezuela. All these places – and all these peoples – benefit from the Full Moon Meditation.
The Hierarchy have advised us that the times of the Full Moon are times when energy is magnified, and multiplied. Groups sitting together in meditation on peace, harmony, goodwill towards all have a manifold affect on the energies surrounding our planet when they do this on the Full Moon day. If it is not possible to do so on the actual day, then, we have been told, the day before or the day after will also serve as days of excellence in sending out positive harmony, peace and helpful energies to all places on our Earth.
Meditating on light can raise the level of light within the individual. Meditating on light for our home, Planet Earth, can raise the level of light in places where this is needed. For LIGHT can be, as you know when you switch on a light in a room – there is different current in different countries. In some countries light is brighter – sometimes it is darker. In a way, the Light in each individual on this Earth is the same. Sometimes it is brighter and sometimes it is darker. Such meditation is always of help to ourselves and whatever we give to others.
A meditation on light is available on this website, here (opens in new window)