In recent days, several videos have been circulating on the internet, where different species of animals can be seen acting in strange ways. Groups of horses, ants, and even orcas are being seen going around in perfect circles for several days without apparent reason.
The farmer in charge of the flock reported that it first started with just a few numbers but was quickly joined by many. The surveillance footage shows the flock continuously walking clockwise in a circle. Some sheep can be seen standing motionless in the centre, while some stood outside watching the circling sheep.
Strange behaviour in animals has been astonishing people since initially the case of a flock of sheep that had been walking in circles for 10 days in a row was revealed.
Now in recent days, several videos have been circulating on the internet, where different species of animals can be seen acting in strange ways.
Groups of horses, ants, and even orcas are being seen going around in perfect circles for several days without apparent reason.
One of the behaviours was filmed on the Kola Peninsula in northern Russia, where a herd of reindeer was filmed circling in a spiral.
While in Chile in the river of the Pucon commune, several fish were recorded performing the same behaviour, as well as orcas and ants.
One channel has raised this issue with the Federation of Light. Over time, we have found this channel to give information that corroborates with information given through other agents who transmit messages from the Hierarchy. We find, via discernment of spirits, that this particular channel transmits matters based on truth. Indeed, this channel encourages visitors to chant like so:
I am the Truth,
I am the Love,
These are all strophes and mantras that are articulated by the great spiritual traditions and pathways of humankind. Hence, this source is deemed to echo truths one might profitably attend.
In the matter of animals walking around in circles, this phenomena was addressed in conversation. It was asked about animals and insects moving in circles. The photographs above refer to sheep, reindeer, orcas and fish all moving in circles.
The reply intimated that higher energies were coming in – to this planet – from Grand Central Sun of all Universes to our Sun, and through our Sun, to the Earth. The Sun, in fact, is explained as being a portal but this is a subsidiary matter.
The animals are sensing the changes ‘electromagnetically’. They are playing their part. They are also letting you know that the changes are coming …
Relevant to this phenomena of animals moving in circles, is the presence of water. Water is ubiquitous on this planet, and indeed, our bodies are made up of water, like so:
Water is in the atmosphere (indeed there are inventions that can make water from air), water is in the ground, water is in snowmelt and water flows over the surface of our planet. Water is a conductor, and water can be a vehicle of electromagnetic energy. In these times of transition, water will have a significant role. We are not speaking of water rise due climate change; it is water rise in temperature, for matters are heating up from the core of the Earth herself.
WATER IS THE FOUNDATION … The solid, yet, liquified foundation of ‘Holding your Planet in place.’ Its intelligence is of heights of the most advanced computer. There is no denying of such.
We are told that water has consciousness, water has feeling, and water has intelligence. Water also reflects the thought-forms of humanity, and where there is anger and hatred, war, rapine and plunder, water behaves in a fashion that reflects this, as conscious thoughts are stored in water. Dr Emoto showed the world how water reflects and holds the thoughts of humanity.
The animals that are moving around in circles – They are Anchoring Energy by doing so. When we say that everything is connected … it shall become more and more apparent. In a sense … everything is now ‘talking to each other’ via their own means of communication.
Humans also have hidden energies and gifts that can aid the uplift of Earth to the higher dimensions, an uplift to a place of harmony, cooperation and understanding. These gifts are of light nature: we can hold the light, we can send light to people and places that need enlightenment, we can raise the energy-frequency-vibration of our environment, our surrounds, where ever and when ever it is needed. We are beings of light. We may touch light daily in our meditation, we may channel light and love to all around us.
This world is light. Recall the mantras:
I am the Truth,
I am the Love,