Vision of God

This world is light. Due many births, we build, create and empower illusions that make this world appear as it is. This has been reinforced many times. It us up to ourselves to seek Love, for Love is God, and God waits for us patiently, that we might see the Love and Light that God truly is. There are universal laws – yes – and there is karma, but their is also Love, and when we turn to God with Love for God, we have Vision of God.

I welcome you dear Master. First of all I want to thank you for this day, for your intimacy and loving-kindness. I would like to ask You about what I saw today. It was as if new reality was opening for a while — living, huge. There, behind the curtain of the physical, great Light existed and its streams were permeating through from ‘there’ to ‘here’. Suddenly I realised how impermanent our world is, our image of the world, to be accurate, which we cultivate within ourselves, because the reality can be really totally different. I got scared that in a moment the Light will surround me and I would disappear in it forever along with whole world. Then it started sort of withdrawing and the vision disappeared shortly. I was frightened, when this visible and noticeable world started melting, going out of sight. It began to dawn on me that You, the lovely and wonderful Light, are the only and true Reality.

Fear is a big problem for many of you. Fear prevents you from opening up to accepting Love the way it deserves.

Closed hearts are the second problem. They are closed to love, to others, to Divinity. Overdue concerns with oneself, property, desires, cravings and ideas are to be blamed. Divinity is very, very close. It is here all the time.

Everything is light. An image of physical impressions is formed only in your minds and around this image you build up this world. What you call ‘world’ is composed of bundles of impressions and visualisations strengthened for many years. This world is thoroughly mental in creation and is not physical in nature.

Master, I must admit that I do not understand. Does it mean that physicality does not exist? What is it, that which we call ‘materiality’, ‘physicality’, then?

Materiality is a certain concept based on mental sensations. Reality is different.

Reality is Lightness and Love. Materiality is not any objective being. The only objective being is the Highest Being, the Creator, who made everything emerge out of Himself.

I am admitting that I still do not understand.

All that you call things and describe as ‘existing’ are something different than what they SEEM to be. The way you were raised makes you ascribe objective existence to ‘reality’ composed of bodily sensations and based on this you create your mental concepts. And you call it reality. But in fact these are only your thoughts, imaginations of what it is, and not what it actually is. You are so attached to this WAY OF THINKING about the world, that when events or experiences that question your preferred and accepted order of things come in your way, you get scared. You are afraid of losing your own ‘reality’ or your own judgement about what the world is.

I think I am starting to grasp. What we call the world is a bundle of mental and emotional sensations. Is that correct?

Yes, roughly.

Master, what practical conclusions can be drawn from your statements?

Start thinking that you do not understand the ‘world’; that you do not understand even the basis of its existence, that you do not know nor understand yourselves. Get rid of your pride of ‘knowledge’ and pride of anything else, of this proud ‘I know’, which creates the world. Get rid of your understanding of this world aimed at ruling it and putting on airs. ‘You’ as self-dependent individuals are only a state of mind, a deep-rooted and stubborn thought without real existence. The true reality of man is Lightness, and not the thought ‘I’ tormenting you for generations, to which you attribute such a high rank. Know this, so that one day this image will disappear. Thoughts about ‘world’ and the world itself will disappear one day like a flame of blown off a candle. Love, Joy and Happiness will remain as the only existence. From this moment, stop developing this ‘I’. Restrict thinking based on ‘I’ and set a ceiling on your desires. Think about God, not about ‘I’.

Do not let fear rule you. Fear shuts you off from Light, Love and God. Open to them fully — now, right away. Allow Divinity to capture your heart.

How do our sense of separation and our personal ‘I’ originate?

The personal ‘I’ related to body consciousness is a reflection of the only I, Divine Being. As in the case of ‘world’ this ‘I’ is also based on a bundle of physical body experiences and is created along with what you call the ‘world’.

These two constructions conjointly can be called a state of deathly thinking. I would like to emphasise the fact that those are only states of mind, having little to do with Reality.

Why can’t we see and understand it clearly?

Because you have become entangled in action and thinking ‘inside the world’. Consider the following analogy. You are actors who have become so involved in the acting that you forgot that it was only a play. Take another analogy: when you dream during sleep, the events seem to be very real and you often respond to them with strong emotions, but in the morning you realise that it was only a dream. What you call reality, world, and yourselves are but such a dream. Life is a dream, death is a waking state. In this state you stand face to face with Love.

What should we do then, what practical actions should we undertake?

Here I will be brief about them. You’ll find more in further parts of this book. Awakening or perceiving the Reality is a comeback, becoming aware of your true identity devoid of imagination by the mind about yourself and the world. Constantly absorbed in ‘yourself’ and ‘world’, you should become very careful and cautious not to let further actions deepen these worldly ties. This is one thing.

The second part of this answer follows from the fact who each one of you really is. Today you may believe me or not, but in fact you are Love and Light, one with God and God Himself. Therefore, it will be good if the ‘small I’ starts turning to Divinity with love, turning to the Highest Power praying and supplicating for the blessings of awakening and liberation from oneself and from this world of dream.

Do not look back to the past, to your outlooks, opinions and habits, but ask Love to mould ‘you’ the way that it wishes to. Forget about the past and follow the loving Divinity ever further and further—into the Unknown. This Unknown will become your home for a long time.

The past is only your thought and you do not know your true future. What remains is the present, which is not important either, because you are not perceiving it clearly and properly. What remains then? The turning back to Love and Divinity. Only this, over time, is going to bring good, lasting results and many, many blessings.

Dear Master, is it really true that you are the only inspirer of what is happening? Is everything contained within the borders You delineate and nothing, absolutely nothing, can cross them?

It is so.

I still do not understand why the world is like this. This world is sleeping, certain about its self-dependence, whereas it is You, hidden behind a thin layer of events, who pull all strings. It follows then that everything is the way it is supposed to be. There is no mistake or injustice in any of those events, because You are all there is. Does it mean that as the Highest, You do not have any desires in relation to the world? For instance, if You wish people loved you more, You could make it happen, couldn’t you? Where is the truth here?

Truth is simple and it is Love, and Love I am. This Truth is unfathomable for the mind and it does not impress it much, either. This is because this truth is from the heart, this part of you which, thanks to spiritual consciousness, is in touch with the Divinity within.

Everything that happens has its place in the Divine Plan. This Plan is a sweet song of love bringing elation, an ascent to the Presence of a loving Creator. There is no defect in it, not even the smallest. The Plan is one of most wonderful tissues of Life. It is a Divine Gift for the Universe, the gift of love and wisdom.

I have no doubt, Master, that what you say is true, but why is there suffering in this Plan?

In ‘your world’, this is the way the Universe communicates that you shouldn’t do certain things, because they are departures from valid principles. The principles, on which the construction of the Universe is based proceed from love—love which solicitously takes care of the welfare of all beings. It looks after well-being and progress. You may refuse to take note of these principles in ‘your world’, yet this does not change their functioning. Suffering burns up negative tendencies, teaches right behaviour and thinking, and directs you towards higher values. In the reality you live in, suffering also acts as a brake against wild desires and acts based on ignorance. It transforms you.

Master, these are very nice words and wonderful energy is flowing from them, so they are surely true. But there is something that still concerns me and forces me to continue inquiring. It is difficult to accept the necessity of suffering when we actually see what is happening in this world.

Try to think what would happen, if actions were not associated with consequences. Violence, fraud, manipulation, aggression, lies — all these would reign supreme. What would this world look like if there were not any factors teaching you not to take to these bad paths and consistently guiding you to the path of Love?

You all want justice in this world because lack of it does not meet your deep feelings. This goes together with your unwillingness to accept that justice IS ALREADY THERE. Without the law of karma that leads humanity to Love, the Universe would be illogical. Such a world could only be created by a crazy god.

But things are going in the right direction. Today it seems that there are more disasters and conflicts than before, but this is only a temporary situation. You are clearing accounts from the past, from centuries when you lived sunken in darkness. The lightness is near, very near. Light will unveil and fill the world.

Dear Baba, perhaps the difficulty lies in that we are not able to see how this law of cause and effect works in our daily life.

Yes, this is one of the difficulties, but there is a very simple prescription to convince oneself quickly about its validity. That is, if you want.

There is? What is it?

There is such a wonderful solution to all problems, not just this one.

Really? Master, could you unveil at least a bit of the secret?

Asking for help is this very simple prescription for all problems. Asking for the answer. Ask and it shall be given to you. If one needs help and really is seeking the truth, he / she will never be denied.

Turn to Divinity with prayer, asking for the answer to the question about the law of cause and effect. Ask to be shown its functioning and logic.

And when you get the response, start meditating deeply about your life. When you discover that the law does operate, try to adjust your words, thoughts and actions to the most important rules. Think good, speak good, do good, speak no evil, and while doing so, pray to the loving Divinity for help. This is the way to transform your life into a better one; this is the way to freedom from the influence of your negative image of ‘the world’.

Remember — ask and it shall be given to you.

A certain incident that took place years ago comes to my mind. I was in a hurry for classes, which were to start at twelve. For some unknown reason to me the gate to the garden was open and the dog, an Alsatian, which used to run unleashed in the garden, disappeared. I was already hurrying to classes, and now I had no choice but to find the dog! The more time passed looking for the dog, the more I was getting angry and nervous. I finally found it in a park, very far from home and brought the dog back. On the way I yelled at it and hit it a couple of times with an open hand. I still remember how it was shaking all over—such a big wolf dog, but its body was trembling all over. Afterwards I felt like a fool because I had got carried away and beat the dog. I regretted all this had happened.

It was autumn and it was getting dark early. On that day a guy I knew asked me to help him get his car to a service station for repairs. We arranged a tow truck, put the broken car on it and went to the service station. When we got there it was dark already and at this hour the workshop was deserted. There was a fence, made of metal bars all around the building. I got out and decided to find somebody to leave the broken car with. After all, that was the reason we went there. It was very dark. I got to the fence and leaned against it trying to take a look at the security office. At the same moment I felt strong hit on my right hip. It was so strong that I got thrown away for a metre or more from the fence. I was more amazed and surprised than frightened. I stood before the car headlights to see what had happened. There was a chunk of material, the size of a hand pulled out of my pants. It was just hanging on some threads. I was astonished.

A security guard with a flashlight came a moment later. Then, behind the fencing I saw a dark silhouette of a dog, the body resembling a Rottweiler. The man took it away and locked it inside the office. He said that it was better to be careful about the dog as it was specially trained to attack without any warning. It was true, the dog did not even bark; it just quietly came up and was waiting for me. If it were not for the fence, the dog would have pulled a solid chunk of my body out. Fortunately it was not able to stick its big muzzle through the bars.

I must admit that when it finally hit me about the danger I was saved from, I thanked the Master for the protection and immediately apologised heartily for my earlier behaviour. It was a perfect lesson, one I remember till this day.

Violence is not a solution. Love is the solution.

I have told this story to people I know a couple of times and once or twice they had doubts, saying that it might have been coincidence.

But it wasn’t. Even if it was, you should extract the most valuable lesson out of this experience. Besides, the doubts of others are not good guidance while you are on the spiritual path. People act under the influence of illusion whereas spirituality is getting out of the realm of illusion.

The most valuable lesson is that my actions caused unpleasant results immediately and that I should not be angry and surely should not beat any animal in the future.

I am accepting the conclusion. You were very lucky then.

I thank You again. I did not even get scared. Later, when I realised what had happened I had a sense of perfection. I understood something finally, or rather I was glad that the law worked and that my earlier inner feelings came perfectly true. Also, I felt a great humility towards life and You.

This is what one of steps towards Light looks like.

Thank you for appearing in front of my inner eye. I wish people could see your amazing, enormous, modesty. They would surely change their relationship to You if they did.

Many people do not have any desire to see Me. They think that I am not giving them what they need. However, if they do ask for something, these are usually matters that are not profitable for them, things that are not going to bring neither them nor anybody else anything good. This is why my ‘No’ comes into play. People sometimes abuse me for that and they are angry at me; but I never take offence.

I am Love. The world is woven from the thin yarn of Love. The Earth and clouds over it are Love. Leaves during the fall are colourful, lovely letters that are sent by trees down to the Earth. The wind is the breath of God, who delicately strokes your faces. I love you my dearest friends. Look at me, look with love and I will appear to you. I am very near, very close to you. I am Love, Love without limits. You and I are Love. Your thoughts have the power to create the ‘world’. Stop creating it the old way, turn them all towards me and I shall help you free yourself to face Love and happiness.


Watercolour - lady at sea wall
Turn to Divinity with prayer, asking for the answer to the question about the law of cause and effect. Ask to be shown its functioning and logic.


Image Credit: Layers / Pixabay
