The Breath of Life

Sathya Sai BabaThe Cosmic Sai Baba gives a transmission at Bundanoon, NSW. The OM is led, and an exposition is given about breath and all forms of life: Mother Earth, the ocean, inanimate objects breathing and the last breath, when all returns to the Source, the receiver of all things. We are told the Source is Love, and that Love is Absolute.

“I am here, and I am very pleased to be here – and to know that I am welcomed. I thank everybody for making the effort to be here today … for this is the beginning of a new time … this is a beginning of a new decade … there are still changes taking place upon the earth.

Once your solar system comes into alignment with the galactic sun … things will be – quieter.

Your weather patterns will be much quieter … not so wild as they are now. The energy within Mother Earth … will have settled … the energy within people upon the Earth … will have settled. The energy within all other living things upon this Earth … will have settled … they will be united … they will be positive in their thinking, feeling and expression. This applies to all … the library that exists upon the Earth.

The Library of Life, the Library of Form … and it can be innate. I would like everybody to be calm and to settle. The energy in this room is a little erratic, shall I say, but once this is calmed, it will be easier for me to reach out to all of you.

So I would like you to join me in 3 Oms and the sound. It is the sound and the vibration that comes from the beginning of the Creative Source of All.

Will you do this for me?

(Three Oms were sounded and the energy coming through the medium was a very long sound of each Om … those present said it definitely was not the medium’s voice. A sound track is given below)

(This is an mp3 file, 1.4MB, runs for 1:29 secs)

Please take three deep breaths … and you will feel a sense of calm come over you. I am assisting you with this.

The breath that you breathe is of God. It is God. It is from the Creative Source that gives life to you.

The breath exists in many things … in not quite the same way that it does for the Earth Body … but it does exist in a form of breathing. The sound and the vibration is a breath that comes in and out … like the ocean waves that lap onto your shores. That is Mother Earth showing you how she breathes.

The wind, breathes. Sometimes it gets anxious and volatile … the same as you do at times. This is not a judgement … it is an opportunity to rid the self of – shall we say – a volatile emotion.

There is a breathing that exists even in inanimate objects … for nothing stands still.

There is a growing that takes place all the time … and the shedding of the unwanted.

The energy representing Shiva, or the Destroyer, is an aspect of God’s breath … and that helps to take away the unwanted.

I hope I am explaining myself. For the Destroyer is not something to be afraid of, but rather it is a necessity in all life.

There is a coming and a going … and that is represented in many ways. You could think of it as a flower and a seed that bursts forth through the earth and breathes into life in all it’s beauty. The same is with all Flora and Fauna upon this Earth.

It is the same with human … mankind … it begins as a seed, and breathes and bursts forth into the earth dimension and flowers in all it’s beauty. For you are all beautiful beings … My dear ones, the Earth Beings come from God. Everyone upon this Earth is a God Being.

If something holds you back, and causes a destruction in your growth, you have been given the ability to take control of your own growth … your own consciousness within your mind. So it is important that you remember to be positive in everything that you think … in everything that you say … in everything in your heart that is given and taken. For that , also is like a breath, that comes and goes … you give and you receive.

Do this with the Source of the Creator which is Love … Universal Love, that exists for All that has been created by God. It is all interactive, like food and water and breath … and the earth that it all happens, that holds it, that magnetizes it here on your planet.

You are part of a much larger Solar System … Galaxy … and Universe … and from there, there are many other Universes in different frequencies that operate. They are all interconnected … they have been created by God from the the Creator of All, The Creative Source of All.

I would like you to ponder about this and realize the significance of it … so that you can breathe … and give and receive the love that is there always … it is Absolute.

Thank you My Children, Thank you.

I, God, Bless you, my children

Sathya Sai Baba


