Reading Holy Books

The question arises about the value of reading holy books. What can we get out of them, what purpose do they serve? Do we consult the Master, our Friend, first before reading? Do we seek the opinion of the Master as to what we should read, HOW we should read, and what personal transformation should come from our reading? The Master, your Friend, stands ready to guide you at all times.

Master, I would like to ask You how we should read books with spiritual content, including books considered holy by different cultures?

Excellent question.

Thank you for the inspiration.

Spiritual literature is a special kind of literary work. Its goal is or should be… here, you finish writing what the goal should be …

After a moment of deeper reflection I would say that it could have two goals. The first is cleansing or maybe help in cleansing of man’s mind from erroneous ideas. The second is turning him towards You, turning his mind, heart and possibly soul.

Only Divinity is able to clean man from what fills him inside. No book is capable of doing this. Reading can help you to shape your life and influence your outlook and worldview. It can prompt valuable inferences; it can direct thinking and conduct in the proper manner. Therefore the substance of written material that is being passed on to people carries immense importance, and along with this comes tremendous responsibility. People who write for others should focus on Divinity more and let Divinity hand down to them that, which, in the opinion of Divinity, they should include in their works. You definitely need less theory and more pure love of the Creator.

Authors should pray more often for help and spiritual inspiration. Generally, they share what they think is right, without caring about verification of the theories and opinions presented. Writing for others, passing on information that may influence (or actually affects) thousands of people implies a heavy responsibility and serious karmic effects, along with very weighty consequences. You do not care about this, but later, when it comes to abide by the consequences of what you have done to others, you ask God ‘How could He do this to you?’ Some day, you will learn what the true responsibility for action is. Whether this learning will be easier or comes in a more difficult manner is up to your choice. Choose the path of love.

People very rarely ask Divinity to express its opinion. When they do ask, extraordinary things start happening quickly.

Now, your question about reading.

First of all know that studying books alone is not enough. If you believe they contain spiritual truths, you will profit immensely when you start putting the guidance read into practice. A gram of practice is worth more than a tonne of theory. If you want to turn towards Divinity and experience its miraculous love, if you want to meet Light and become one with it, read and make the learned spiritual truths a practice.

Secondly, begin reading with the highest possible humility and trust in Divine Power and Love. Pray and ask to be shown which contents you should study, what to get acquainted with, what to practice.

Ask for light and love, so that the Creator may take advantage of the times when you study His words or other spiritual truths to direct you towards Himself. Thanks to this you will lead a more balanced life full of joy and happiness. Spiritual books carry within them the power of turning any kind of love towards the Source. Ask for a chance to take the next step towards God. Ask Him to become your Guide.

By now I am already beginning to treat your words written here in this way. At times when I read them I cannot stop doing this.

When you begin reading, pay attention to the state of your mind; are there warm feelings in your heart? Are there humility, love, and confidence in the Friend? Is there a request to show the direction for the way ahead? Is there a feeling of being grateful to me for the messages already granted, for the present study material? In this way you will benefit more — much, much more. Divinity is always with every one of you, and watches over your shoulders while you study its words.

Ask your beloved Friend for help and clues. He will never deny them. Keep turning warm-heartedly towards Him with warm feelings, friendship, love, with heart-felt words, full of love. Your life will change quickly.

You say ‘quickly’, Master. But it took me many years – at least ten.

Truly speaking, you do not know how many years. You really do not know that, had you known how to love and had listened to me better, all this could have been different — relaxed, effortless, and without shocks. Moreover, you do not value my words. Imagine, what would you have given for such a book, say, ten years ago?

After long, really long thinking it seems to me I would have given all I possess. I would have saved lots of time — nobody has too much time here. I would have considerably simplified my life.

So you see. Other people will appreciate my words, too. You can be sure of that.

Thank You, Baba. I know that everything You do is for our good, although even now we are not able to understand You and frequently do not appreciate Your actions.

Understanding is not as valuable as the feeling of love for Creator. Make friends with Him, He who is the most devoted to you, and the most Loving Power in the Universe.

While reading any holy book of humanity, bear in mind the goal of your reading is to serve. Ask Divinity to lead your studies so that you achieve the goal in the quickest possible way and the most complete way. Place a firm confidence in the loving Creator. The whole Universe is His Creation, not merely one book. The whole Universe is Holy Scripture written on golden pages with the fire of living Love.

Books are good inasmuch as you are able to utilize them to get to the values that lie dormant at the bottom of your heart and unearth them. However, this is not always easy. The teachings contained in them are addressed to the mentality that passed a long time ago. The moral and cultural context, which made these teachings easily understandable, got forgotten long ago. Thus it follows that you can be in some trouble trying to reach your goal. An additional difficulty is due to the fact that some of you yield to the temptation of worshipping the texts without trying to practice the teachings contained therein. And although it is necessary to treat spiritual teachings with deep reverence and devotion, mere reverence will only change you to a very limited degree. Start living according to what you have read and have accepted as proper. Keep turning towards Love with friendship. Begin right now. Think about the goal of your journey more often and less about the signposts. But first of all, do keep going. The Friend is already waiting for you.


Books are good inasmuch as you are able to utilize them to get to the values that lie dormant at the bottom of your heart and unearth them. However, this is not always easy. The teachings contained in them are addressed to the mentality that passed a long time ago. The moral and cultural context, which made these teachings easily understandable, got forgotten long ago.


