Ring the Changes on Earth with Love and Compassion

Ring the Changes on Earth with Love and CompassionThe Cosmic Sai Baba speaks at Bundanoon. He tells, “You are Creators, and you can ring these changes upon this Earth … with love and compassion. This is all that is really needed upon this Earth for the changes to take place and to move into the New World of the Golden Age.”

“It is I, Cosmic Sai Baba, and I am very pleased to be here, and to know that I am welcomed.

This day, is shall we say, a very strong influence on the peoples upon this earth. It is coming from the Sun in your solar system, but it also links with the core of suns from the Creative Source of All.

There are changes that are happening upon this Earth … and everyone, I am sure, is aware of it. It is causing upheavals all around the earth. And this is from the energy that is coming now upon your Earth … it is becoming stronger. It is Divine Energy of Light which will lift the consciousness of this Earth of every living thing upon it.

It will help people to come to understand who they really are, and that is a Being of Light. It is in their soul … …. The knowledge is in their soul. The soul comes with a Blue Print of what they should do in their journey upon this earth … it also holds the connection to their commitment that they have made before they came here.

Their life and journey upon this Earth plays out many things. Some journeys they have made in other worlds – in the cosmic worlds – in other bodies – other forms that a very unlike the human body … … but it still has a consciousness and a life and a form … and quite often the life that they have had in the Cosmos has been highly technical. … … An advanced knowledge; that is, because, they have lived that life at another dimension in the World of Light, shall we say, being connected with information that comes through their soul and it then filters into their physical body.

This comes at a time when they are born – there is an egg, that begins once it is seeded to become a human form inside the mother. It is nurtured from there … and while it is forming at some stage a cosmic egg is also inserted into the child, or the embryo … … This is what holds the Divine Blue Print of what they are meant to be in personality upon this Earth … but what they also need to deal with in the physical form.

Their soul is … as you could say, like a Cosmic Egg. The two play out a form of life that the human is dealing with … … once upon the Earth. As I have said, the soul has many lives and there is many influences … sometimes these are dealt with very early when the child begins to grow … others may come in cycles and are played out through the life and the journey of the human body, before the soul leaves it and returns to the World of Light.

People are influenced all the time from the Creative Source. For this is like a Cosmic Egg also, that holds the beginning of Creation … it is God, the Mother … Father. And it is what influences the Soul … this influences then through the physical body. There is a duality in the physical body … and All are asked to work with their Energy Fields of the human body, which holds all this different information which is infiltrated from time to time … … so that they can become balanced and at one with their Soul and God Creator of All. God the Creator Mother … Father God has influenced their creation.

Each individual physical being is a creation of God. You are therefore all God … but are lost a little bit with the shadow that covers some of the information that is held within the Soul. This is no coincidence … it is meant to happen this way … so that the life and journey can be led and played out without too much confusion. Otherwise, it would take over the personality and become very difficult to discern what is and what isn’t.

Reality is discussed many times … and it is said that in your human form it is not a reality but rather an illusion. I would like you to think about this. Because the reality is that you are not just a physical body … you are more than this … you are much more than this, and this I would like you to focus upon and to work with your energy fields to help to come to understand who you truly are. You can follow your intuition, which is inside your heart. It is your inner-teacher … your guidance will come from there through a feeling … you will know, if you ask for guidance, you will know when the answers come … or the direction comes.

I would like you all … … All to work on this aspect of yourself.

There are many people doing this, without even thinking about it … and you will know these people when you see them. They are good people … they are people that just help without even thinking about it. They are compassionate people … they are loving people, they are God-like people. But of course they would not accept this description readily … … but you will know in your heart these beautiful people that exist upon this Earth … and I would like you to focus on these people and mix with them … interact with them … for the energy interacts and goes out and touches many people.

This will help ring the changes upon this Earth … for the Earth is changing very quickly at this time. Just know that you are God … … know that the energy of love and compassion comes through you … … directly from the Source of the Creator of All.

You are Creators, and you can ring these changes upon this Earth … with love and compassion. This is all that is really needed upon this Earth for the changes to take place and to move into the New World of the Golden Age … there is no fear … … no wars … no disagreements, because consensus is always reached to agree, or agree to disagree … but never a weapon raised in anger.

The Golden Age is where you are moving into now … it is a new doorway … a new path … in your hearts you will all be joined as one. You are children of God and God loves you always.

Think about who and what God is to you. And you will understand that it is Universal Love … compassion automatically follows that.

Thank you for listening to me, this morning.
I, God, Bless you and thank you.”


Ring the Changes on Earth with Love and Compassion


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