The December Solstice (Summer Solstice) is on Wednesday, 21 December 2016 at 9:44 pm on the eastern seaboard of Australia. This day is 4 hours, 58 minutes longer than on June Solstice. In locations south of Equator, the longest day of the year is around this date.
Valentine's Day is upon us again, and we give some astrological thoughts about Valentine, the planet of Love - Venus, and Divine Love. Venus is the dispositor of love and generosity, and love, of its own nature, gives of itself, from one human to another, it is a making of sacred space within for the other to be. And between persons and the Divine, it is turning to the Divine with love for the Divine.
The full moon of 7 November will be a strong moon, and most efficient for promoting love and harmony, understanding and co-operation around the world in this time of need; a time of multiple chaotic nodes. Individuals and groups who give time to meditation and reflections and aspirations towards world peace will give a tremendous boost to world peace, as meditations and prayers are multiplied and magnified hundredfold, during the full moon period.
Guru Purnima is on 12 July. This year, the Guru Purnima occurs with a Full Moon in Sagittarius. What is unique this year, and only happens every 12 years, is that Jupiter will be exalted in the 8th house of transcendence in 2014. We look to the significance of this event, and consider the spiritual energies around this event and the following days.
We have noticed further questions about Ketu raised by search engines which bring visitors to this site, so we will engage in more discussion about Ketu and address some of the questions raised: Ketu in various nakshatras, Ketu and the Moon, Ketu and Mars conjunction. And if there is time, we may address Ketu and Spirituality. We keep in mind that Ketu is a shadow planet, a karmic repository and an important agent on the journey toward the goal of life. Ketu (which means flag) actually flags important staging posts on the human journey of return to the Source.
Ketu, the opposite node to Rahu, came into being during the churning of the Ocean of Milk. The last gift of that churning was the emergence of the God of Healing, Dhanvantari, with the pot of amrit, the nectar of immortality. Ketu and Rahu were whole at that time, in the form of a demon known as Swabharnu, who engaged in subterfuge to obtain the nectar whilst it was being served out by the enchantress Mohini. The deception was discovered by the Sun and Moon, who ran tale-telling to the great God Maha Vishnu, who promptly sent his discus and separated the head from the body; the body is today known as Lord Ketu, South Node of the Moon.
Thousands of videos of people skolling drinks and nominating a friend to do the same have cropped up on Youtube and Facebook recently under the ubiquitous hashtag #neknominate. Here, we take a look to the role of the Planet Venus – Shukra and this social media phenomenon.
This is the 6th day of the Navaratri celebrations (which are held for nine nights). All festivals are meant to remind mankind that they should cultivate noble qualities by engaging themselves in activities beneficial to one’s own self and society. Sai Baba has told that Navaratri, the nine nights, represents the Nine Planets.
Each planet has its own particular influence upon us and its own significance. Sai Baba said that these planets are not outside, they are within, as universal forces disposing energy as we go on our life path. For Navaratri, we take up an opportunity to examine the energies of the planets within, and examine how the Divine Mother is related to these energies. On this 6th day of Navaratri we will look to the planet Venus, and examine Saraswathi, as this is the day of the main Saraswathi puja during Navaratri. The colour for the 6th day of Navaratri is GREEN, so we scribe in GREEN for this 6th day of Navaratri.
In many posts on this website, we have given explanation of the planets as luminaries, as they reflect the light of our Sun of our solar system, and the energies passing through the Sun. The planets cast influences from the Galactic Sun to all parts of our lives. We have also illustrated these are times of transition to the 4th and 5th Dimensions. The transition to the 4th and 5th Dimensions are given by energies coming from the Central Sun of all Universes, the Creative Source of All. The planets perform their natural luminous function and pass on these energies, and our recent messages here have highlighted aspects of this activity and its influence on human affairs and activities with an astrological theme. We turn now to examine Saturn, Rahu and Venus in the 7th House and look more closely into these influences.
At the beginning of September, Venus was in debilitation in Virgo, its place of fall, – a place of inability to deliver or reflect energies from the Sun. In early September Venus moved to Libra, a sign it is Lord of. This is Venus’s own sign. There have been positive comments from some astrologers about this, but we have held a doubt, as Venus is conjunct Saturn and Rahu. Saturn is exalted in Libra, and Rahu simply multiplies of the energy of Saturn. (Keep in mind that Saturn is seven times stronger than the Sun.) As Saturn and Rahu are natural malefic planets, Venus is afflicted and turns malefic while conjunct Saturn and Rahu. Although Saturn is friendly to Venus, Rahu treats Venus as an enemy.
The result of this influence of an exalted Saturn, multiplied by Rahu is a destruction of Venus’s ability to deliver contentment and harmonious relations. Venus continues to deliver energy, but the energy now has a malefic cast. Where Venus normally casts an influence of amorous activity, festivities, song and dance, these now turn to hostility, finger-pointing, accusations, suspicion and scorn. Libra is the natural 7th house, which rules – among other things – destruction of power, overthrow of enemy. Being the 8th from the 12th, it also rules fines, courthouses and pleadings, and the death of enemies. These are times of where nations are finely balanced between peace and intervention, civil disharmony and hostilities between groups within borders and across borders. The planetary influences might tip the balance. What are the remedies of such a unstable and perilous situation, what may we humans do about such influences? Are ants on the sands of the shores of an uncertain future? On this day, a message of opportunity – opportunity for making a better choice by the human race as a whole was received.
Here, we introduce the beings over-sighting our Universe, and all Universes. There are the Angelic Realms, wherein exist the Angels and the Hierarchy … a group of spirit beings which oversight activities in all the Universes, and the subtle universe, imperceptible to human knowing. Among the Hierarchy are Sanat Kumar, Alcheringa, Cosmic Sai Baba, the Ascended Masters Sananda, St Germain, El Morya, Kumthi, Seraphis Bey and many others. Yalarm – spelled Jalarm – is also a member of this Hierarchy and in recent times, has been giving account of the origins of human life on this planet and a history of this planet in The Mystery School.
Yalarm has given a message … from the Angelic Realms, where the Hierarchy reside. The number 666 is said to be evil. It is not; it is related to the movement of stars and planets, and in particular, the planet Venus. Yalarm goes on to describe how planetary influences impact on human affairs. The Humans are enchristed with the Crystal Energy; a work that was done with the majesty and collaboration with the Creative Source of All. At this time – a very serious time on planet Earth, – this planet is very susceptible to influences. Humans have a choice and it is up to them how they will use the energy of this influence. Read more of this message from the Angelic Realms and the Hierarchy, as given by Yalarm. (Click the “more” tag below…)
Om Aswadhwajaaya Vidmahe
Dhanur hastaaya dheemahi
Tanno Shukra prachodayaat
Translation: “Om, Let me meditate on him who has horse in his flag,
Oh, He who has a bow in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Shukra illuminate my mind.”
The Planet Venus is known in Vedic Astrology as Lord Shukra, the celestial poet, son of Lord Bhrigu (var, Bhrugu), and is dispositor or karaka of artistic grace and beauty, refinement and contentment, and is concerned with harmonious relationships.
Venus rules wealth; Venus is generous when wealth is shared in the habit of selfless giving to others. Attitudes which give expression to generosity are a willingness to share time, talents and resources for the betterment of others around them; Venus seeks an amiable atmosphere around, a a satisfied, festive environment where goods and appreciation of beauty is shared all round, to the happiness of others. Venus is not petty in character nor mind; generosity is a form of creating that environment which forfends goodness, beauty and truth for others; it has the quality of being warm-hearted, considerate, humane and sympathetic. There are elements of sharing and sacrifice in the generosity of Venus.
Venus is (sometimes solely) linked with desire and passion. Venus has larger scope: it is the creative urge within, displayed as creativity, artistic works and productions, elegance and grace in human endeavour. When energy and vibration rise within the human person, it is important to discern to what end this energy and vibration are directed. In the 4th and 5th Dimensions, discrimination is the gift of the Planet Venus.
One of the signatures of the 4th Dimension is time speeding up. This is due the faster, higher vibration of the 4th Dimension. Due the reactivation of the “junk DNA” within the human, access to hitherto forgotten psychic skills and metaphysical abilities return to the human person. This is on account of the Earth returning to the 4th dimension from whence it fell after the destruction brought about by the civilisation called Atlantis. What, then, is the role of Planet Venus in our lives in the 4th Dimension?
Om Aswadhwajaaya Vidmahe
Dhanur hastaaya dheemahi
Tanno Shukra prachodayaat
Translation: “Om, Let me meditate on him who has horse in his flag,
Oh, He who has a bow in his hand, give me higher intellect,
And let Shukra illuminate my mind.”
Some are wont to say that Venus is passions, the motivating influence in the heart that helps make decisions, and that which we love doing because it provides us with happiness. Venus is much more than passion, the pleasures of the bedroom, the harem and so forth. Venus is that Planet which helps us to maintain balance and seek divinity in the ordinary, everyday life of immersion in maya and materialism.
Human Values and Astrology
Value:Peace; Sub-value: Contentment
Planet (graha) Venus (Sukra)
Om Aswadhwajaaya Vidmahe
Dhanur hastaaya dheemahi
Tanno shukra prachodayaat
The Planet Venus is known in Vedic Astrology as Shukra, the celestial poet, son of Lord Bhrigu (var, Bhrugu), and is dispositor or karaka of artistic grace and beauty, refinement and contentment.
Venus shows our affection and sense of harmony in life. Among the planets, Venus is our appreciation of the beautiful and as such represents our aesthetic sense. Venus is significator of art, poetry, painting, music and dance. Venus is the muse in life, our sense of the beloved that draws out our creative expression. Venus indicates sensitivity, refinement and gentleness.