Abhijit, February 2017

Abhijit Nakshatra (intercalary) features in the panchang – calendar on February 24, 2017 (Friday) at times suited to your location. For example, in Cairo, Egypt, Abhijit Nakshatra starts on February 23, 2017 (Thursday) at 20:44 and ends on February 24, 2017 (Friday) at 04:40. At another location begins at 05:44am, early morning. We recommend checking your local time here.


Abhijit has many meanings and applications. It means “victorious” as in Lord Krishna commencing the Mahabharatha War during the time of Abhijit nakshatra, and obtaining a smashing victory. Abhijit can refer to one born under the constellation Abhijit (very rare). Abhijit is also a Soma sacrifice (part of the great sacrifice Gavam-ayana). It is a star (Alpha Lyrae), it is 20th (or 22nd) Nakshatra and it is also a daily occurrence: the eighth Muhurta of the day (about midday).

Abhijit’s symbol is a triangle , or three-cornered hat. It consists of three stars which, unlike the other lunar mansions, are a long way from the ecliptic: the bright white star Vega (Alpha Lyrae) and two other stars in the Lyre: epsilon and zeta Lyrae.

The Nakshatra Abhijit

Abhijit is called the “inter-calary” nakshatra. Inter-calary meaning of a day or a month – inserted in the calendar to harmonise it with the solar year, e.g. 29 February in leap years. In Vedic Astrology, there are two forms of Abhijit, the positive time of each day, and the intercalary nakshatra which appears from time to time. Abhijit is a “filler” nakshatra used only for the timekeeping purpose of balancing the lunar calendar. Intercalaries, like the Gregorian leap year, are used only when necessary to balance the Traditional calendar.



The intercalary Nakshatra Abhijit, which is used only when needed to balance the calendar , is traditionally located directly after the 21st nakshatra – Uttara Ashada – and before the 22nd nakshatra – Shravana. For many astrologers, Abhijit has no predictive value. Others assign portents to Abhijit.

The Muhurta Abhijit

Some people seek to commence an activity of importance at the proper time. Others seek to know when to have surgery or day procedures. Others wish to make an important purchase, such as a car or a home. They seek to know the most auspicious time for such a significant investment of their time, talents and resources for the best result.

If you don’t have any good muhurta pre-calculated for your purpose, you can use the muhurta of the mid day (i.e. when the Su is at the highest point in the sky at a particular location). This muhurta is called Abhijit muhurta and is universally good. Abhijit means great victory. The reason why shastras recommend on this is because at mid day, the Sun is located three signs (equivalent to 6 hrs) behind the Ascendant and thus will be located in the 10th house from the Ascendant (each sign is a house with ASC as the 1st house; the houses are counted in the zodiacal direction; 10th house represents one’s karma and the success in it). Thus Sun being in the 10th house is auspicious for any activity.

Seeking and employing the time of Abhijit Nakshatra or Muhurtam is a sign humility and wisdom. One seeks to cooperate, to serve, to collaborate with the purposes of the Divine in one’s life, the life of the family, the world of commerce and financial exchange. The ancients taught, vasudevasarvamidam – all this is divinity. Seeking and employing the auspiciousness of Abhijit either as nakshatra or murhurta is sanctifying one’s life and engaing in what Lord Krishna called selfless action in the Bhagavad Gita: nishkama karma.


 Lord Krishna used Abhijit to commence the Mahabharatha War


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