Abhijit Nakshatra, March 2018


In the days of yesteryear, perhaps many yugas past, Vega was the pole star, and Abhijit nakshatra was counted among the nakshatras for both electional astrology and timing of events – muhurtam. It is told that before the commencement of the Mahabharatha War, the Kauravas went to strenuous efforts to prevent Lord Krishna from starting this war under the auspice of Abhijit, for it was well known that any project commenced under Abhijit would come to success.

In this day and age, Vega is no longer the Pole Star and Abhijit Nakshatra is removed from the list of the 27 nakshatras that the sun traverses, monthly. Abhijit is now an intercalary nakshatra; it is used to harmonise the calendar with the solar year. The panchang gives this Abhijit Nakshatra commencing tomorrow (Tuesday, 13 March) at times suited to your location. At another location begins at at 11:19, late morning, and ceases at 19:49pm. We recommend checking your local time here.


Abhijit has many meanings and applications. It means “victorious” as in Lord Krishna commencing the Mahabharatha War during the time of Abhijit nakshatra, and obtaining a smashing victory. Abhijit can refer to one born under the constellation Abhijit (very rare). Abhijit is also a Soma sacrifice (part of the great sacrifice Gavam-ayana). It is a star (Alpha Lyrae), it is the 20th (or 22nd) Nakshatra and it is also a daily occurrence: Abhijit is counted as the eighth Muhurta of the day, everyday at about midday.

Abhijit’s symbol is a triangle , or three-cornered hat. It consists of three stars which, unlike the other lunar mansions, are a long way from the ecliptic: the bright white star Vega (Alpha Lyrae) and two other stars in the Lyre: epsilon and zeta Lyrae.

The Nakshatra Abhijit

Abhijit is called the “inter-calary” nakshatra. Inter-calary meaning of a day or a month – inserted in the calendar to harmonise it with the solar year, just as 29 February is inserted, creating leap years. In Vedic Astrology, there are two forms of Abhijit, the positive time of each day, and the intercalary nakshatra which appears from time to time. Abhijit is a “filler” nakshatra used only for the timekeeping purpose of balancing the lunar calendar. Intercalaries, akin to the Gregorian leap year, are used only when necessary to balance the Traditional calendar.



The intercalary Nakshatra Abhijit, which is used only when needed to balance the calendar , is traditionally located directly after the 21st nakshatra – Uttara Ashada – and before the 22nd nakshatra – Shravana. For many astrologers, Abhijit has no predictive value. Others assign portents to Abhijit.

Abhijit and Kali Yuga

Some people seek to commence an activity of importance at the proper time. Others seek to know when to have surgery or day procedures. Others wish to make an important purchase, such as a car or a home. They seek to know the most auspicious time for such a significant investment of their time, talents and resources for the best result.

On the other hand, Kali Yuga is a most inauspicious time. In the four yugas (Kritha, Tretha, Dwapara, Kali) it is the time when wealth and the means of accretion of wealth is placed above all else: governments, nations, corporations, banks, businesses and individuals place the acquisition of wealth above and against the goal of human life: merger with the Divine. Sri Sathya Sai goes on to say,

The decline of Dharma reveals the disappearance of wisdom and correct forms of knowledge. Eras are differentiated on the basis of adherence or aversion to Dharma. When Dharma, Justice and Harmony prevail fully and fearlessly, it is said to walk securely over the land on four legs. The times when it is so observed are also referred to as Kritha Yuga, the Kritha Era. When Justice and Harmony prevail less and less, people feel that Dharma has to limp its way on three legs! The times suffering from this handicap are referred to as the Thretha Era, the Thretha Yuga. When Justice and Harmony prevail only a quarter as much as in the Kritha Yuga, Dharma has to struggle on two legs. That is the Dwapara Yuga. When they have no respect paid to them and when they are largely non-existent, Dharma stands on one leg, as it were. This is the Kali Yuga, we are told by the scriptures.

Abhijit nakshatra with its auspiciousness represents opportunity to undertake auspicious activity and transformation of the mind, body and the senses towards the goals of human life, what are called the purusharthas, the great wealths: dharma, artha, kama and moksha. These represent the inner embodiment of righteousness, right conduct, wealth necessary to your station in life, satisfaction of needs for yourself and your family, and seeking release from the cycle of birth-death-birth-again. These are the great wealths, the goal of life that we might seek in our daily endeavour. In order to be successful in this endeavour called human life, selflessness and detachment from idea of the body as the self are needed. Our Self is the soul, and the soul has a grandeur and blissfulness far greater than any created thing might have to offer us. The soul is fabulous, magnificent and self-effulgent, brighter than any object we have every laid eyes upon. The Soul is one with the Creative Source of the ALL.

Seeking and employing the time of Abhijit Nakshatra or Muhurtam is a sign humility and wisdom. One seeks to cooperate, to serve, to collaborate with the purposes of the Divine in one’s life, the life of the family, the world of commerce and financial exchange. The ancients taught, vasudeva sarvam idamall this is divinity. Another way of saying this is “All this is ONE with the Creative Source of the ALL” Seeking and employing the auspiciousness of Abhijit either as nakshatra or murhurta is opportunity to turn one’s life around, turn away from the interior darkness and emptiness of Kali Yuga and turn towards the source of the light within: the SOUL, which is ONE with the Creative Source of the ALL.


 Do not let the clouds of Kali Yuga hide your light …


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